Friday, December 30, 2005
Ringing It In....2006!!!!
I wish you all a fabulous start to your New Year! This past year brought me so many wonderful friends. I'm lucky to have all of you.
Eat...Drink (don't drive)....and be Merry! I'm thinking of you all. I'll be back in a week or so...!I'm sure the withdrawls will hit me, but I'll back soon.
Love You All...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I'm thinking about what I want to do this year. I figure I'll be on the ship on the 1st so it's a good way to stay good for whatever I choose. Do I do the ever favorite one about weight? Hmmm boring. I want something good. Do I choose to stop pleasing? Ummmm Maybe.
See, it's a mixed bag. I'm thinking about it. I want a doozy. I want to challenge myself. Letting go is a good one.
Crap..I even make doing a resolution hard!
LOL...I'll think about it and come back. I know one thing for sure. You guys matter and I love that we've had this year to get to know each other. We all ROCK as a group and I'm glad that even with all the miles we work in our crazy way.
Monday, December 26, 2005
2006...? No Way.!
Christmas was a total success. I can't even tell you how wonderful a day it was. We did miss our family..and it felt a little off because of that. It wonderful, though for the kids. They loved their gifts. Yep...Mrs. Claus really did quite a number with all that planning and list making. :)
Now, it's time for vacation planning. Hot Damn! I need a vacation. Get this...I slept in until 8:45 this morning! If you know anything about me, than you know that sleeping in until 7 is LATE! I woke up and it was 8:45. Kelsey made me coffee, the kids were good...and I think Ava only called me on the walkie talkie 3 times during the night to tell me she had a tummy ache. LOL! That's right. A walkie Talkie.
So the new thing is a throw back to the baby monitor! We got them walkie talkies for Christmas. So now instead of coming in to my room 3 times during the night...Ava baby can just beep me. "Mommy...Mommy.." That's what I wake up to. Much easier to keep her in bed than put her back in bed after she comes in and wakes us all up! LOL..just a little hint for you guys. It totally works!
I'm off to sip some more coffee out of my new starbucks mug. I love it! It keeps my coffee warm during the cold mornings. Mmmm love it.
TTFN...thinking of you sweeties.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas You Hottie Mrs. Claus'
You all know you're in my thoughts. I hope Mr. Claus is very very good to you. Liza due time you'll put on the Mrs. Claus hat. :) Just give it some more time.
Merry Christmas friends. I looked for a good song. I couldn't find just the perfect one, but then this one popped up. LOL. So Elton John And his Christmas Song it is.
Love you...
Friday, December 23, 2005
We're all a little crazy...aren't we?
So listen..(oh need a normal computer) and shake your ass with me. You know this is how we all feel once in a while. LOL...Oh yeah babies...we sooo do. :)
It's two days until the big day and 3 until Hanukah. So, thankfully I have an extra day to get the Hanukkah box to the parents. So funny. Jewish Dad, Catholic sister who is Jewish..another who stuck with being Catholic...and me. LOL. I miss my grandma, but you know...I smile. She's soooo watching us this Christmas and getting a good laugh. Melanie is pregnant, Erin is on a full ride scholarship in law school (and getting into the hottest bars in's the hot ass i'm sure) and my kids are shaking every present in sight. Looking under all the beds and in the closets. Thank you God for a large Trunk...and the fact that they haven't figured it out yet!
Miss you Grandma...but totally still feel you around. Very Sweet.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Feeling Nostalgic..and There Are No Cookies...ugh
You Girlies of mine..and our Matty...know what I mean. I just didn't have much to type right now. I thought this song could say it all.
Someone...pass the cookies..!
Love you..
Monday, December 19, 2005
To be 20 something again....:) and Oh and my Goat...
I can't say enough wonderful things about them. We can talk about one another...tell each other how it is...but I feel sorry for the person who does this in front of us. It's kind of like what you guys said for me on the day of the "incident that made me cry" last week. We fiercly protect one another. Oh and yes..I get to hear about how she had "THE BOMBEST NIGHT"..LOL!
Baby I had the bombest night on saturday. I got into the hottest club, the bouncer looked at me and goes "who you with" I was with my 2 other girls and he let us in free. No cover, which was $20. Then inside Mandy Moore was having her birthday party with Zach Braff,I saw Bruce Willis standing at the bar 3 feet away. Jamie Foxx bought my girls drinks, and Puff Daddy walked by us a couple of times. Other people in attendance: Paris Hilton, Christina Aguleria, and kevin Connelly from Entourage. Then i danced with Aaron Spellings son, remember when he was on 90210. I would have told you all this over the phone but you did not answer the call today. love ya.
Love you guys, too. Oh and yes..Bono is wonderful. I know more about Africa and am trying to do what I can to help Africa (my goat giving) and humanity (sponsoring orphans). It's hard to look at sometimes. I know this. It hurts. It can pull our heartstrings and make us so sad, but taking care of one another is so important. I'm blessed..I have it good. Yes, I have issues and the kids make me crazy on days. However...we have it so much better than those poor women and children over there. Soooo, I do what I can. Anywhoo, go look at and listen to all different people from different political views...religions. It's about people. Ok..I'm done. :)
Happy Monday Friends....
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Christmas...Mecca...and a Goat
What a difference a year makes. Last year I was in a crappy place. I felt alone, lost, and just trying to figure out where my place was in the world. Yep...I was a young 30 and lost. Well, here I am a year later...and I couldn't have imagined the bright at the end of another year. Thanks friends for sharing your blogs, thoughts, and laughs with me. now, who the F**k knew that finding Legos would be impossible! Ok, well I do have some now, but it took a week! I had it in my shopping cart on amazon 3 times and it was taken out right before buying it! Ugh! Ok...finally, boy in tow I ventured out to where? You got it babies. I went to Mecca! I drove up and the T bullseye just drew me inside for a pilgrimage.
My gingerbread latte called to me. Yummmy. Then I told the boy if he promised to not run and lose himself in the toys I would let him get something special (you guys know the $1 bins at the front? :) So, sipping my latte I ventured into the girly section. I picked up some gloves for me, picked up some more goodies, and put things back after reevaulating my allowance. toys...I needed to get to the toys. I just wanted to make sure to check out the toys. I love my Brand New T!
Right there...alone...all alone on the bottom shelf, I could see one tub of 50th Edition Legos! Hot Damn! Of course I just figured out how to hide it under the coats so the boy didn't see the total boy gift! Then I just wandered to the Christmas ornaments...housewares...candles....mmmmmm.
Get this! I got out of there for only $38! I'm good...Yes, I am.
Oh and let me just add this. All of this happened after I called the hubby at work and told him that he could just buy a goat or some chickens for a village in Africa for my Christmas gift. (an oprah show) I was quickly told he didn't have time for my manic moments. I was serious, but a nice little wrapped something, would be greatly appreciated too. :)
Thursday, December 15, 2005
What I'd Give You For Christmas...
Lizzie GirlyYou would receive a house cleaner for a year, 1 subscribtion to Amazon for free books anytime you wanted, then you'd need free iTunes for a year. Oh...let's add DSL to that list so you can hear all my fun songs! XOXO Love you...and you know it!
Peanutt/aka Peanutt You'd get the Martha Stewart magazine for a year. You'd also get free tickets to any "Metal Head" concerts in town. Hmmmm oh and let's see...Video Teleconferencing so you could walk us through all the holiday crafts you do. :) You're one of the originals and I sooo appreciate you our little Tink.
Mama Duck: This is easy hunny. You would receive unlimited tickets to Texas to get the dose of warmth that's so deserately needed right about now! I'd make sure You had an on call babysitter to come and take the girls so you could go to the park. Then...I'd make sure you had a good supply of Diet Coke and Jack in the pantry. When a girl needs a drink she needs a drink! :) Oh and let's not forget some more sexy hot shoes for winter..LOL. You make me smile daily. That is a wonderful gift sweetie and thank you for that. XOXO
Bethy: Tons and tons of gift cards for Home Depot! You soooo need them with all the renovations you have that Handy man of yours doing. Oh and sweet hotpink badge that says "Don't Mess With My Friends!"'re wonderful.
Choppz: You my dear would get a matching badge like beth. Then you'd get free maid service for a year. With a new baby could soooo use it. Then maybe a weekend at a spa to relax and recover. :)
Jewl: I would bring back that hubby of yours and make sure he was in the Christmasy Santa spirit. :) I'd also work it so that the two of us could maybe be on the same base at the same time! HOw about that?! And sleep...somehow I'd make sleep a nightly occurance. :) If only..huh. lol. XOXO..I always look forward to you.
Marie: Well you have your Job! Woooohooo! Next I'd give you that digital you so desperately need! LOL..oh and maybe a scanner, too. Mmmm...maybe a little mistletoe and a hottie to hang it up for you..:) Yummy or what?! XOXO, C
Dottie: Sweet Dottie..I'd give you a little nice of peace and quiet. I'd give you enough Diet coke to last a year and then a nice little taxi driver to take the kids back and forth to all their functions. :) Maybe just a once and a while a taxi...because we know sometime those car rides are sweet. Ok..let's see...oh and yes..someone to help you get both those trees down after the holidays!
Liza Girl I'd send you some yummy homemade million calorie chocolate chip cookies. You're tiny enough to handle them. Then I'd send you to a nice hot little beach so warm up your cold self! Baby it's got to be cold there. Mmmmm and then I'd send you a wonderful huge christmas tree! XOXO..Your'e so sweet to me and I soooo appreciate you.
Last but soooooo not least! Our Sweet Kitty CAT: Ok with the year that you've had you deserve the vacation of a lifetime with the hot hubby! I'd send you some warm socks for those tootsies of yours that are sooo not used to that cold. Then maybe I'd find just the perfect little "mocha" dog for you. You need a little one to spice it up over there. :)
For all of you...Tickets to meet halfway for cocktails and our trashy kind of humor!
I know I have more people on my "NICE" list. I just need coffee and to take the girlys to school...More later...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Public Apology...
I'm sitting here in tears because I hurt someone, because I was saracastic. It was being sweet. I didn't have a mean tone in my body.
It's been a rough 4 days over here with me in and out of the doctor's office. I am sorry if I am sarcastic. I'm at a loss here.
I just want everyone to know I didn't mean to hurt Mat. He asked if anyone wanted him to translate something about how civilization is being destroyed. I said...yes translate, we'd love to see how we're working towards our own demise. I said nice thought...but i signed xoxo C. I'm very much a person for humanity. If any of you were close you'd know I'd be there to help any of you with a hug or anything. If any of you find me offensive I'm so sorry. After all these months i just thought You would know that I'm kind and not hurtful.
Sorry sorry sorry...I don't know what else to say. let's do I get the tears to stop, because it's like a faucet was just turned on.
Yes...those are jammies..
Hubby: Why are you up? You can go back to bed.
Me: Ummmmm I'm up, it's ok.
Hubby: (In front of his computer doing who knows what. Kids running around with the dogs who haven't been let out yet.) Oh hunny, I'm trying to help you. I've got it all under control.
Me: (looking at the clock and it's 7:15 and Ava's bus comes at 7:35) Ok..but hunny the kids need to get dressed. Mmmmmm they're in their jammies. I just wanted to make sure you were on it.
Hubby: Oh, that's right.
Me: (oh yeah..Mommy goes in mommy mode.) I know hunny, sometimes their jammies do look like clothes. LOL.
Hubby: Smartass...
So, in 20 minutes flat I got all the kids dressed, hair brushed, lunches made, Christmas stockings packed up for party, and shoes on all of them. Hmmmm.
Which leads me to this. Men are just men. I know there are the few out there that can do it, but I just wonder if I hadn't come down if he would have figured out how to get them dressed with backpacks on and off to school? :) This is the precise reason why the Mommy never gets sick. LOL!
PS..You should hear him on the phone trying to get me in to see a doctor.
I'll let you in on the scoop...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Never A Dull Moment
Once in a while life comes at you and bites you in the ass. I'm sitting here half drugged and waititng for a doctor to call to set up a little surgery. Nothing huge..just a few cycsts on the ovary, but damn if it doesn't hurt like a Mother F****r! I spent all night last night in the ER, but since the ovary's blood flow looks ok..then I just need to get it done this week. Yiipppppeeee! Just add it to the christmas to do list. :)
I'm thinking of you guys...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Monday Morning Memories...Enough Already!
My Monday is going to be spent getting some Christmas Stockings ready for Ava's Class. I'm doing their names on them. The room mom is an over doer. Yep..that's me. I say yes to anything. I offer, even when I don't need another thing to do.'s my nature.
I finally have the gifts all sorted out and now I just want to sit back and try to enjoy the holidays. I was in bed this morning and it hit me. I have 2 weeks and 6 days until the cruise! WOW! Mmmmmm the ocean, the smell of the salt, the breeze in my face....vacation. I can't wait.
PS>..I love James Blunt. He's wonderful. I am going to download his cd on iTunes in a little bit, I think. I just wanted to share him again.
Thinking of you guys...
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Happy Sunday...
Mrs. Claus work. There are presents to be wrapped and cruise things to be organized! Wooohoo!
I must clean my house today. It's amazing how fast 3 kids can destroy one little room. lol. Ok ok..not totally destroy, but I can't relax if the room I'm in is messy. So go figure. LOL.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Baby I'm Cold Inside...
My girl (Ava) woke me up at about 4:20 and she wanted to get up. WTF? Once I got up at 6:30 I realized she's excited for the birthday party of her friend, today. OH yeah, my friends, mommy gets to go shopping for a toy and take the kids out into the cold. Lovely. However, I sooooo had the thought of going into the Xmas gifts and just pulling out a boy toy. Soooo Bad! I know.
My coffee is yummy this morning and Betty Nguyen on CNN is looking good today. HOw does she get so cute so early? I need a little warming up right about now, I can't even contemplate getting cute so early. I'm off to drink coffee and watch a little news. I'm not even daring to go out and get my paper until it it reaches at least 20 outside. Happy Saturday friends...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
1. White or Colored lights
2. Sentimental Ornaments...a Theme...collect 1 every Christmas?
3. Lights outside or Full on Griswald house?
4. Wrap the presents or just stick them under?
5. Is your tree at a "tilt" or is it perfectly straight?
6. Do you guys want lists from your significant others...or are you great at mindreading like I am..? :)
7. Guest for Christmas or not?
8. Duraflame, Generic or Wood....?
Yes..I am the nosey one. We all know that. Share with us, though...Enquiring minds want to know.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Love You Guys...
I don't have much today. I just wanted to post and say hi. I do have some handy holiday tips, though. If you want :)
1. Lotion up! There's nothing that will make you feel better than soft soft skin. (don't forget your little tootsies, either.)
2. Buy a new CD to lift your stressed out blah spirits. I know you guys are feeling it, too.
3. Work on the know when the hair looks good...the day is much better.
4. Go read Lizzie's site to have a good laugh about woman vs men. You will laugh hard!
5. If you have pets..snuggle with them. They're so loyal and unlike the children they don't really talk back.
6. If you don't have dogs and the kids are little....then put them in their cribs, go turn on the shower, shut the dooor (it's ok if they cry..they'll be ok) and soak in the shower. You'll always feel better after a shower.
7. Finally, crack open the diet coke, pop your ice in the glass, if it's late enough...splash some jack in...and warm up.
8...Know that you're all beautiful to me.
Love you guys...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Big Huh.....

"It's not big enough!"
"I need it bigger!"
"I want the biggest one ever!"
"Ooooooh It needs to be fat too!"
"Perfect Perfect Perfect! This one will fit!"
You guessed it my sweeties. Those were some of things said to me while looking for a Christmas Tree! :)
You guys are great. Kelsey is feeling better. It's a never ending thing with her, but She's awesome and resilient. I've been blessed with such amazing kids. Yes..they drive me batty like kids do. They're my batty kids, though. :)
Ok guys...I'm in the Christmas spirit and things are coming together. I hope you all are happy and humming your favorite tunes. I'm thinking of you all.
Love you
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Life Happens...
I had an exciting, wonderful...amazing weekend planned. Needless to say it was all f***ed up because of circumstances beyond anyone's control! I'd drop anything for my girls and boy..and I did. I'm mom first when they're sick...and let me say my girl was sick. She's going to be fine, but it's just a journey and NEVER a dull dulll dulll moment.
Sorry My Sweetie
Love you...
Friday, December 02, 2005
Things I Know For Sure....
This has been one hell of a week! The kids have been sick. I've gotten over being sick, but something was off somehow. Christmas is around the corner and for some many of my Bloggin' Babes feel this blah feeling. So here's a list of things I know for sure that will help our little blahs....
*When your hair looks good You feel good!
*A Jack and Diet Coke at 4:30 is fine...we won't tell.
*Sexy panties and a matching hot bra can cure the not feeling pretty moment!
*Amazon Delivers...and Target is Online, just in case it's snowy for my non snow girls (MD you know what what I mean..)
*Music , Music, and more Music! It can change your mood in a heartbeat!
*Have all the ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies for that emergency moment! (Right Lizzie Girl?)
*Laguna Beach...The Real perfect fluff for the brain. Available for quick tutoring sessions to get you up to
*Fluff is me.
*Change all your ringtones on your's only a manic moment it's at 2 in the morning.
*Finally...Just be thankful we have each other. We get it. We get one another. We're intelligent enough to figure all this out, patience and determined to keep at it, and the babies haven't turned the brains to such moosh because we can put the thoughts down and just LAUGH. That's right hunnies...Just LAUGH with each other.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
First Best Friend: K Hosier, Junior High to High School. Then I moved and that was it. She was wonderful, beautiful...and the girly with the boys. I was the girl with the beautiful one.
First Kiss: R Gunderson. It was in the 8th grade and we were at the bike racks. LOL. Toooo funny.
First Screen Name: Calliecuti
First Pet: JJ..the Calico cat. He died back in the 70s when the house was tented for termites.
First Piercing: Ears
First Crush: Scott Horn 4th Grade
First CD: First big record I remember listening to a million times was a Go Gos Album..Then Madonna's. Yep...the 80s. Tapes and Albums. I don't even remember the CD.
First Car: 1986 Mazda RX 7! It was a cute little silver car! Loved it!
7 Lasts:
Last alcoholic beverage: Jack and Diet Coke. Right now!
Last car ride: Being the taxi Mommy doing pick ups tonight.
Last Kiss: Little licks from Mocha.
Last movie seen: I watched "Kicking And Screaming" on Saturday night. Fabulous.
Last phone call: My favorite girlfriend Lori about an hour ago.
Last CD played: John Mayer... Any Given Thursday
6 Have you ever???
Dated a best friend? Oh yes...R Steinacher.
Skinny dipped? Oh yeah!
Been in love? Wonderful love.
5 Things
Your wearing? This is funny...yes Pink yoga pants and Grey Sweatshirt. Pink is my signature color. :)
You did yesterday? Talked on the phone quite a bit. Got over the food thingy. Did some Christmas shopping. Got caught in the rain with Sammy and was soaked to the skin.
Can't live without? I'm so high maintenace the list would go on forever.
Where you've been? I'll say lived...Cali, AZ, VA, Cali, now TN.
3 people you can tell almost anything to? (In no particular order)
2 Choices
Black or white? Black.
Hot or Cold? Cold. I can always wrap up.
Well, I hope you decide to steal from me, which in turn makes Peanutt
Have a great day!!!
Yes Peanutt I copied you!
Monday, November 28, 2005
Of Course I'm Cute and Naughty...Just Like Tink!

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
brought to you by Quizilla
Saturday, November 26, 2005
A Few Saturday Thoughts...
It's amazing how much changes in a year. Over the last year I haven't cried nearly as much as I did the year or two before. I haven't stopped loving and caring..but I haven't crumbled either. GO figure! Sooooo..this is it for now. I love this song...
Friday, November 25, 2005
That Damn Turkey!

I sure could use a little ZEN...right about now. After my Turkey fiasco I'm even contemplating Peta's answer to Turkey.

You read it correctly...Damn Turkey! I sit here this morning, typing, sipping coffee that doesn't even taste good...and I'm in pain. I was up with the man next to me, and the big dog..rolling and hurting, grabbing my tummy...and feeling like death. The only only only thing it could be ....the turkey. Holy Hell is all I can say.
What happened. It wasn't me! I'm telling you it had to be the turkey itself. After making my way downstairs and looking this shit up on the's looking like the bacteria in the turkey doesn't just "cook off" like in chicken. So, here I poisoning...and feeling like crap. Ugh...I'm not even shopping right now, which shows anyone...the mama isn't feeling well.
Hey...the pies were yummy, though. :) The whole dinner was yummy. I'm just sad it was a complete crap shoot! LOL. The kids seem fine, but then again who knows. Ok the bitching is over..I'm going to have some pepto right now...and see If I feel better.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Gobble Gobble Gobble...

Have a wonderful day my friends. I have the pie cooking as I type, the Turkey is next to go in, and there is plenty of wine on hand for the cook..:)I'm thinking of you sweeties today. Love to you...and calm soothing nerves from my kitchen to yours. I think it's possible. :)

What can I say? She loves our Mocha. Mocha is just a good sweet little puppy. I'm telling you he loves to just be pampered, hmmm but the stroller he could totally do without. If you look really closely he is even buckled in. Yes, he sat still for my girl to buckle him in that stroller.
Cooking, Buying, or Going Out...?????

Now, I think, I'm going to cook it up! I'm a good cook. It was just cooking a huge dinner for just the 5 of us that will be done in like 10 minutes by the little ones. LOL. It is nice to have the left overs and get the turkey smell going in the house. Yummmmmmm!!!!
Who's going to relatives? I'm sure MamaD is getting her babies all dressed up adorably and going to someone's house. Am I getting close, you guys? My favorite Thanksgiving reminder of when I was little is the greenbean casserole. I remember we always had it in the white Corning Ware with the little blue flowers on it. I'm also a pumpkin pie lover with Coolwhip! Ok I'm getting ahead of myself. Yummm I love Thanksgiving.
I'm thankful for ....So many things. My family, friends, health, sense of humor..because God knows that gets me through most days, my puppies, and all those special people that make me smile every single day. Love you....XOXO C
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Welcome to the world of my daughter. Let's just say that she is giving, loving and a straight A student. She averaged a 97% for all of her advanced classes in school. We live a nice she dreams big. She gives money at church, volunteers for youth service projects and understands there are others who are not as blessed as she is. She collects $59 for Katrina Victims, all on her own. she's a good kids. Got it?!
Here is the Princess's Christmas Wish List...
1 Cell Phone
2 Ipod (a real one like Daddy's not the fake kind like Whatever!!!
3 Jesse McCartney CD
4 Mariah Carey CD
5 Black Eyed Peas CD
6 Kelly Clarkson CD
7 Howie Day CD
8 Simple Plan CD
9 Earrings
10 Jeans..
11 Skirts..not above the knew or below the knee
12 Ugg Clogs
13 Ugg Boots like on Oprah Mommy..!
LOL!!!!!! Yes, I'd say she dreams big. Now...she won't get it all and she'll get a fake ipod like mine. This list was very well thought through, though. She gets major points for effort..LOL!
Welcome To My World
Monday, November 21, 2005
Just a Few Thoughts for a Cold Monday...
2. I'm all for putting lights on the house early, but come on. It's Nov. 21st! Please old lady across the street who mows the lawn in the lovely "housecoat" don't put the decorating in the kids head yet! I know I know...your cheery..but come on! They are going to complain for lights every single day until I put them up. Yes..I do all the handy work around the house. My husband is just not festive. Hmmm.
3. When will I get spooned and not just from the dog. I know I know...I have it so rough, but this mommy really needs a little spooning. Yes..all about me, but so what.
4. Should I just buy the Thanksgiving Dinner or make it. It's only the kids and hubby, but I do love to cook. Sigh. I will be the only one to do dishes and If I'm going to all that trouble to cook for hours I'm eating on the china. Then I'll have to wash it all by hand. LOL...such decisions.
5. I'm going shopping on the day after...just because! I'm going without hubby or kids. Does anyone want to come and join me? Throw on those Nikes and just do it. I need a friend to power shop with me. Ok..just a guy to hold the bags would do, but hubby hates to shop. See a theme? That's why I do it all online, but I'm getting the urge to just go this year. Mmmmmm i'm living on the edge.
I'm done. I'll come up with something cheerier to chat about later. The coffee hasn't hit me yet.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
We All New Pink Was My Color....
Your Heart Is Pink |
![]() In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't. Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time. Your flirting style: Coy Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant What you bring to relationships: Romance |
Friday, November 18, 2005
Mocha The Snuggle Bug...


PF..Look at that face! How could you not fall in love with him. He's my loyal baby. He snuggles in with me when I'm feeling lonely. He spoons behind me when I need it. He doesn't yell at me. He comes in if I wave a little lunch meat in his direction. :)When a girl needs a little love...a baby Mocha is a pretty good substitute for anything missing. Ok so no sex and no making out...but lots of cuddling. He loves football, too. He just happens to be a Charger fan.
Closing My Eyes...And Dreaming of January 1st, 2006

My friends that is the view I'm going to have on January 1st. Yes, it's ok to hate me now. There's still room if you want to come along. :) If I can talk my hubby into it...I'm sure you guys can too. Oh that's right....some of you actually do the money in your relationships! LOL! Hey, then it's no problem.
That view is almost the same as the one from my room. That is a cabin that's 4 rooms away from mine. There's this great website CruiseCritic that gives all kinds of info and pictures from all the cruise lines. It's awesome. I even Googled the Conquest and typed in my room number and ship. It pulled up all the websites with rooms on the Conquest. My room wasn't on there, but ones close by were! Soooo exciting! Enjoy the view.

Next up my favorite Bloggin' Babes...I have discovered something awesome. We all have those days when we can't stand to take the children out. You know their Sooo when we need an outlet. Right? We have our coffee, our diet coke...mmmmm a little Starbucks and what is left? Our! That's right babies we can do and get a semi-fix. :) If you go through Amazon you can even put Target things on your Wish Lists!
Yes...I'm a freak! LOL! I love you guys, though and just wanted to pass on my pearls of wisdom to you all!
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Who Else Needs A Nap????
So, yes my sister is getting married! We have no date, but it's exciting. I called this morning to push for a color choice on this one...and let's just say it's anything but pink. LOL...Yes that's my favorite color. Hmmmm maybe we can get some pink roses in the mix...:)! What do you think Melanie? I'll get some in somehow. What's a wedding without a little pink!!!! Melanie is much more earthy and high maintenance. Erin is easy...but in a High maintenance kind of way. HHHMMMMMM we must get it from Jan (my mom.)
Ok my blogging babes..I'm feeling better. PMS is subsiding, I think. I'm getting in the Christmas spirit. I love this time of year. Just love it!
Talk to you guys soon....
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Yes Hunny...There Is Global Warming....
So, Mr. President and all the zealots..If Saddam had WMDs then there is for sure Global warming..LOL. Don't stick this mommy in a cellar (undecorated) with 3 kids a big dog, a baby dog...And a hubby barking orders and expect me to come out Happy..LOL. Ok, I'm done.
Yes, the Uggs are out. Ooooh they're so cute, too. The Amazon list for the kids is done and taken care of. The "Happy Holiday" cards are filled out. Yes...Half the family is Jewish, so they're not Christmas Cards. Aaahhhh, I'm feeling a little feisty this morning. I'm for sure going to get a little pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks. Oh and the princess isn't going to get an Ipod, like she requested,but she will get a good little MP3. Once she told me she could see her self in the plane on the way to the cruise with her IPod and her could I not try and figure it out? LOL. I really want to get her a cell phone, because she's on the house phone all the time! However, the male adult in the house isn't going for it. He has no clue what it's like to live with a preteen. He's an only child.
I'm off to Yoga in a few. Have a good day friends....
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Tornados on the Radar!!!!!!!
I know my friends in the midwest aren't new to this, but friends...I'm freaking out. We have a line of horrible tornado weather through the whole state, with a straight shot for Nashville.
Ok Ok Ok..I know there it's not katrina or Rita....but I'm from San Diego and AZ. I'm used to sun and nice weather. I don't even have a real basement. We have a Celler and you won't find this woman in a dark place with no light!!!!1
Sooooo think good thoughts my friend. I'm sure things will be fine. I know, I know...this is to show me that yesterday wasn't really as bad as my pity party made it out to be. :)
I wanted to send this in case we lost power. You know it's the South and all the powerlines are above ground...(ugh!)
PS...Lizzie...I'm thinking of you, too....I know they're around there, as well.
Hugs and kisses...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Pass the Midol...
Do you ever have those days where you feel like a failure and nothing is going right. Ugh. Helllooooo! Today is my day. So, since this is MY blog and I don't seem to be able to complain in real I go.
* I have horrible PMS
* I'm sorry you're going out of town and don't want to order pizza. I, however, wanted pizaa tonight, because it's beeen a crappy day. So, no..seriously, don't worry...I'm going to make tacos. It's ok if I feel like least you'll not have to eat out.
* When do I get to have a bad day?
* This weather needs to get itself figured out, because I need to know how to dress the kids for school.
* When will the laundry end. (hmm..never i know.)
* I soooo need some serious spooning right now.
Ok..I'm done. I better stop, because I could go on for a while tonight. Yes, not your perky Christie, huh.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Dreaming of a Getway...
Since I've told the princess to stop talking she has. However...she's a smart girl. That's right my friends, she's sitting on the other couch using sign language to talk to me. I glare. She explains how I told her she couldn't talk, but she could sign. Calgon take me away.
Where's the husband? Oh, he's sleeping. Remember, he needs his sleep. Yawn. Sigh... and I'm trying not to be bitchy. Today is a new day. My mantra.
As the mantra goes through my brain..I dream of a getaway. Something away from them all. You know where I'm going with this. Ok, I've got tropical coming in January..but I want something with girlfriends.

Relaxing, Cocktails, a little gambling, lots and lots of people watching, and sunning by the pool. Come on...I dare you all! Let's sooooo plan something fun. LOL...we all need it! Remember What happens in Vegas...Stays in Vegas...!!!! LOOK!!!You can get a room with a STRIPPER POLE!!!!!Not that we would do that, but just the thought that we could......:)We could have some fun Share Picture Fridays.

Totally kidding with the Stripper Pole! That was a Holy Crap moment, though. Let's see..."Oh yes, I'd like the special Stripper Pole room, because I'm feeling extra slutty!...Oh, and do you offer Stripper Pole lessons with a local stripper? I need to learn some sexy moves while I'm there?!!!!!!!!!"
Happy Sunday Friends...
Saturday, November 12, 2005
I just wrote this nice post. Then I realized...lame, totally lame. So, I deleted and started over. I'm having my coffee and doing laundry at the same time. SO this is in between the excitement that would be my Saturday morning.
I could sooo go back to bed right now. I am the Morning Girl, but right now the kids are pounding on the piano, my oldest is telling me how an Ipod Phone is a good deal at $300. Uh huh. LOL. She wants an IPOD....yeah, really.
I have decided that this is what I need this morning...
A little getaway without children.
My body could use a total massage.
A pedicure that would last a nice long time.
A maid to do the laundry and change the sheets.
How about a piano with earphone plug children sure can experiment loudly.
Someone to design a business website for me.
My daughter to have her own phone line. I never thought I'd say that!
Some serious TLC and Spooning....
Who else needs some yummy time...
Friday, November 11, 2005
Happy Happy Happy...

Thank you to the Veterans. You have given our country the freedom we enjoy every single day. Your sacrifice and loyalty for these United States of America will forever be remembered.

Lizzie Girl made up that hot happy face and wants us to to think of what we're happy for.
So here I go:
"I'm happy I can laugh at myself."
"I'm happy am capable (able to light the log in the fireplace)"
"I'm happy I'm sensual."
"I'm happy I'm a fashion plate."
"I'm happy I'm computer illiterate. If I were I wouldn't have met all you wonderful Bloggin' Babes."
Thank you friend for having me change it to the positive...:)
PS...a little "grown up" ass shaking music, since no one really enjoyed "my humps"
Happy Friday Sweeties...
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Soooo Needed!

Lizzie has figured out just what we need. It's a different wonderful kind of 12-Step program. Go and figure out if you need this in your life. :)
Then when we figure it out...we can plan a Vegas getaway! You know what they say about Vegas. Mmmmm cocktails, gambling...ooooh and I bet they have a few Ts there!
Just a thought my girlyfriends!
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
My Bloggie Quirks...
1. ...... I use the dots. Guilty. No clue how I started.
2. LOL. Yes I use the LOL quite a bit. I laugh often. It's healthy!
3. !!!! Yes, I realize these are overly used, as well. I just want to show when I'm excited! :)
4. Hunny. I guess I started spelling Hunny this way with my first love. It was a way of being cute. I guess it's never changed. I'm a touchy feely kind of woman.
5. XOXO. Once again, I'm touchy feely. Cutesy probably. I just can't help it. It's my extra special touch.
I'm sure I have more, but that's all I have for now. Those are the big ones. I'm just a little beat today. They're all home and I've got dinner going. I'm off to be domestic.
Lizzie's TMI Tuesday!

If you haven't done the Lizzie's TMI Tuesday Quiz...I dare you! Go there or copy onto your blog. It's fun. It's cute. There's always a little self-discovery involved.
1. Describe the perfect date for YOURSELF... what you would enjoy most.
I'm the romantic, so that's on the table before I begin. I love candles and soft light. My "date" would be with someone who I had fabulous chemistry with. He'd get me. We'd make each other laugh and just be romantic at the same time. Laughter, candles, a little wine, and some serious yumminess. There's my perfect date.
2. What is your worst habit?
Diet Coke...I know I know...!
3. On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you? (1 is lowest, 10 is highest)
Happiness is relative. How about this. I'm not selfish about my happiness. I'm really in a great spot. I'm healthy. I know what life is about these days. I'm good.
4. Do you apologize when you make a mistake? How do you react when someone calls you out?
Queen of apologizing. That's not a great thing. I'm working on that, though..LOL!
5. Have you ever had sex in your parent's home?
I must say that before I was married I soooo had sex in my parents' house. Since being married..yes, but there's something about the risky on the edge kind of sex. LOL. :)
Bonus! Oral or manual? Oooooh very naughty Lizzie! Mmmm...Who doesn't like a good O!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Our Fluff and Her Kidney...
I finished Jennifer Weiner's Goodnight Nobody! I've had it for a while, but I just found other books to read in between. Ok...Loved it! It's a little different from her other reads, because this has a slight "Sleuth Effect." She just has this way of making the reader fall in love with the characters and giving us a good laugh. Her first, Good In Bed, isn't smut at all. It's my FAVORITE of hers. take your sweet fingers and head over to our Book Bloggin'Babes Blog and become one of our BB Babes.
On a more serious note...We're going to have to get K all her scans for the Infamous Kidney. It's really hard to find a good Urologist. We once had a great one, but here in's a whole different story. Her Nephrologist is moving to another state to a Children's Hospital, so that's another thing I'm going to have to find this week. She was the greatest! Kelsey is healthy and I need to keep her that way. She's my miracle and after life changed. It's amazing how children do that to us. I just get anxious doing all the doctor calls, because it brings me back to those years ago when things were crazy and she was so sick.
I don't live in the past, but I do wonder sometimes. How can I not? It's the way I think. This brain of mine never stops working.
Site Meters..
Have you ever woken up and check your site meter just for the heck of it, only to discover the last person on earth you'd ever think of had found your site. You soooo know who you are. :) It warms my soul.
Ok sweeties...I am sooooo going to starbucks and getting a pumpkin spiced latte. Oh and ours is a drive-thru! So, I don't even have to worry about getting gorgeous..LOL. I can sip it while I plan my Cruise transportation! :)
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Target and BJs...
So, as I sip my yummy coffee I'm thinking the posts that get comments and international visitors. LOL....Yes friends, it's the naughty ones. I get more comments when I talk about Target and BJs..then anything else.
What does that say about us? Hmmmm Maybe that a shopping trip to Target is as good as Sex!
Happy Sunday. I'm off to read the toy ad from The Big T! :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
I Know I'm Not Cheap...I Think...

Doesn't this look good. It's a yummy Pumpkin Spiced Latte. For anyone that likes coffee and pumpkin pie...OMG! I loved these last Thanksgiving and through the holidays. Here's the thing. They're like $4. Ok...that is waaaay too much money! Once they add tax in, it's pushing $5. there you have it. That's really my only Bitch. SO, I guess life is good. I'll go ahead, continue to be cheap...and maybe get the hubby to splurge for one with his cash...:) Sneaky..I know.
That's it my Sweeties...
Friday, November 04, 2005
Rugs and Socks and No Doormat...OH MY!
1. Rugs... You'll see my sweet baby Mocha. Yes, I'd love another baby..but you know Mocha is just waaaaay easier. He's just so loyal and greets me with such love when I walk in the door with whiny babies. :) With the rugs, that I gathered and put'll notice a nice selection of rugs from Which store? LOL.

2. Socks Socks Socks. I don't like my feet too hot. I do like these little pink ones. They save your feet! Socks save feet! Do you hear me. You don't need a pedicure a week to keep your feet nice and soft. Vaseline, socks..and a pumice stone...make for soft sexy feet. Too bad my hubby can't stand feet, in general.

3. You want my Doormat!??? I just put it in the Rubbermaid with the Halloween things! I need one for the "inbetween" time. Before Christmas...and after Halloween. Maybe i'll go pick one up this weekend. We never use the front door, though. We are park in the garage, and in through that door kind of people. LOL. Go figure.

Let us know if you played!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
The Bullseye Just Casts A Spell Over Me...!

Is it the Swirling red bullseye that makes us go into a trance and just suck us right in? Does anyone else just get the exhiliration of a trip to the big T! Maybe it's the smell of Starbucks seeping out of the doors every time they open to greet more us as we go in. I just love this store!
In bed last night the hubby was offering up more money for Christmas shopping. I had to promise...yes promise...not to blow it all in the first two days of the month. He went on and on and on. He told me when I called him from Target in the afternoon he KNEW I was calling for him to slide some extra money into my account. I denied and denied. I lifted up my head off the pillow in protest...only to then say...ok well maybe you're right. He then informed me that I call him from Target every time I go and ask him for a little "extra." LOL. Does he know me or what? I am that transparent?
Ugh. Well's just because they have it all. I can go through and get the kids some popcorn to hold them over until I'm done shopping, a little diet coke for me to get me going...and then the aisles call my name, "Christie Christie Christie...we're such a good deal." I was at the new one yesterday and they have the most GORGEOUS baby furniture! I've seen pieces at some of them, but now full on room displays! They had Gliders...not crap fake Gliders, but The real thing! GOrgeous sleigh bed cribs and matching dressers. Loved it! It was set up into this fabulous room set up. I dashed right over. Loved it!
So, it's official...I could talk about the T forever hours. LOL. Loser..yes I am...but a stylish, happy, "got her fix" loser..:)
PS..their toy selection is awesome this year! Ok Ok..i'm done.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Fluff on the Brain...
1. Unbreakable:: My Spirit!
2. Have mercy:: Uncle Full House's Uncle Jesse! (My 80's Heartthrob)
3. Do it better:: Being On Time!
4. Settle scores:: Rematch in Scrabble!
5. Comments:: Tooo many lurkers not leaving comments!
6. Craziest thing:: My addiction to Sudoko..
7. Apple:: Who names a baby APPLE.
8. Halloween:: Princesses and Spiderboys
9. Manageable:: Life.
10. Trick:: Only if you give me a treat..:)
That's it. What's your uncouncious muttering?
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Mama Duck's Freebie...


Ok MD, it's not the greatest picture of Captain Feathersword. I thought it might do, though. It's the only one I have. He's there with my freebie, Anthony!
Yummmy! :)
Monday, October 31, 2005
Trick or Treat...! I'll Give Y'all A Treat!

My little Goblins were busy with pumpkins and candy collecting tonight! Soooo cute! It's been a long busy day with a nice candy buzz for all!

Spidey and his "pumpkin bugers" as he called it! Yummm!

Now, Ava calls her scrambled pumpkin brains!

All I can say is lovely...ugh!.

She's so cute.

Spidey with his pumpkin. He's so proud. I'm proud, too.
Just a few pictures to show you how much fun it was. My camera is really giving me problems...soooo maybe I'll need to find another one. I need to find that SPF Friday when we all shared our cameras. I need a good one! Hmmmm...ok, silly question but does anyone know if a camera camcorder combo thing works. I'd rather spend extra on a nice camcorder that uses a dvd...then buy two ok individual ones. Ok, sweeties...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Happy 5:30 AM All You Happy Mommies!!!!
Today is the MORNING AFTER!!!! You know the morning after the fall back. LOL. AAAAHHHHH Yes! We are all up early early with our darling babies. Why? That's right..their bodies aren't wired for the concept of "Sleeping In."
So, just join me in my coffee after getting food for the children of course and putting the dogs out for a quick potty before you freeze. Then, Snuggle up to your computers, read a few blogs, and think about this....It's going to be another month or so until they figure out that they need to stay in bed another hour. :)
For those Book Bloggin'Babes out there...Lizzie and I thought up a Book Blog. She is quite the little Blog Queen. I just thought I am a book whore and why not share. I am telling you that there's nothing better than reading a good good book! If you're not a reader, then maybe we can give you some good easy reads to get you going. So visit us and join the Bloggin' Babes. I expect our Founding Members of Bloggers Anonymous to soooo be there! LOL!
Finally....MAMA DUCK! She had 62 posts last time I looked! Hi-5 Babe! If you haven't visited her, which I can't even imagine,then waddle right on over and visit. She's real, a mommy, hilarious, and quite the Hottie! She is one of the founding members of OBA! Well I love her and she's one of my first 3 of the morning to check. Enough Gushing..!
Ok Sweeties...
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car....

So we did THE WIGGLES last night. My Oh My! Those are some of the cutest little Pre School Band that I've ever seen. LOL!
I feel like we're groupies, because we catch them whenever they are near us. If they come in "Concert" close to you and your kids are Wiggle Heads, then you need to go. It really is a fun fun time. Those guys are so funny. The kids have so much fun. You get goodie bags on your seats...and is only about 1 1/2 hours long. Just don't think you're going to pay less than a normal "Concert"...the tickets are $30 a piece. So, the next time your hubby makes fun of them just tell well maybe they are funny looking, but oooooh are they rich. Hmmm...And Anthony is looking soooo cute these days. (Blue T Shirt Wiggles for you non Wiggle Heads.)
Back to my coffee now...and getting ready to finish sewing up my bookcase covers. :)
Happy Saturday Sweeties...
Friday, October 28, 2005
Wow...This Isn't a Surprise To The Candy Man
Edited ...I took again with pen in hand and quessed on a couple..LOL! Not that dumb after all..huh. I was just lazy the first time!
You Passed 8th Grade Math |
![]() Congratulations, you got 8/10 correct! |
You Failed 8th Grade Math |
![]() Oh no, you only got 1/10 correct! |
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Get this book and then Pass it on!

This was a profound read. The author, James Frey, his story...and how something clicked inside of me.
Some things that I know for sure...
Hold On...Hold On ....Hold On. Whatever you're going through, it will get better.
"Fear Of...." will change us. Facing the fear, working through it...I need to figure that out.
Many more things...but those two are profoundly relevent.
Edited: When I was watching Oprah yesterday some of her staffers mentioned how she always carried a copy of The Color Purple with her. She handed it out to everyone she knew, because it was that good..and changed her. Her staffers now found they did that with this book. Funny..I find I'm doing that with this book. It's about addiction. The author was an alcoholic, drug addict...and filled with rage. You don't have to be an alcoholic to find something for yourself in the book. Yes...It's that powerful.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Finally!!!!! And Wooo Hoooooo!

Hi Friends. The decision has been made by me..and we're going on the big Conquest! It's a huge amazing looking ship. It's so exciting!
Now you'll all get to listen to me go on and on about this...but it's ok! At least I won't be complaining. I even got amazing balcony rooms!!!!! So, yes...the mini diet is on.
I just want to lose a few, but don't I always. :) Besides this, I've got nothing. You'd think I was working on my Thesis with all the research I've been doing. LOL! I'm such a geek.
Now, I'm off to get the heating pad, because my tummy has cramps from hell. Give a little...get a little, I know.
Love you sweet friends ( i do and you really are..)
Monday, October 24, 2005
And The Winner Is...
Now, I need to figure out which ship to take. It's either the Carnival Conquest or Victory.
Destinations are...Cozumel Grand Cayman and Ocho Rios. The next choice is Montego Bay, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel. Any ideas friends? Hmmmmm.
We're going on the 1st of January for 7 nights! I'm soooo excited. It's my Christmas present and I can't believe it. Sooooo excited. I sooo need a break. We're all going, but it's going to be fabulous!
So there's my news. I'll let you know...
Just Another Manic Monday....
Guess who's going on a cruise for Christmas or New Year's!?!?!?!?!?!?! Yes my Sweeties, that would be moi!
So, I'm busy looking for a good one for the bunch of the family. I love cruising so no party pooper comments wanted. LOL :)
Just wanted to say hello and let you guys know it's 39 cold freezing degrees here! I think I'm going to freeze into an ice cubed Christie! I woke up to frost! I know that doesn't seem like anything to you guys..but for me, holy crap that's cold. I'll post more later.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
The Price of Shopping....
I'm sipping my morning coffee, catching up on my tivo'd GH from yesterday, and listening to my children fight. I don't care though. I'm just tuning them out. They've got on their Halloween, because you know they couldn't wait. So, little Spiderman and Miss Cheerleader can go at it for as long as they need it. (i think the voices are yelling over stickers right now, but it's tame.)
LOL...And life goes on. Oh..and the hubby had yesterday off from work. So he took me out and bought me a "Winter Wardrobe!" So,here's the conversation that took place after.
Candy Man... WOw...I'm such a good husband.
Me...You are. Thank you hunny.
CM...I even stayed quiet when you went back and forth and tried on 20 different pairs of jeans. (yes i did)
Me...Thanks hunny.
CM...Then we had to match the tops...find a "Sweater Coat" which there really isn't such a thing. It's a sweater or a coat. (he's a man)
Me...But least we didn't have to look for shoes.
CM....Shit you still need shoes?! I guess you can't wear flip flops and your Steve Maddens (yes he knows my SMs) during the winter.
Me...Just give me the money and i'll go without you. (i say and smile)
CM...I'm soooo getting some Pussy tonight!
Welcome to my world hunnies. :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Taxis and Asses...
So here I was today back and forth between all the schools, doctor appts, and my one hour of alone time in between. I felt like a slave to the wheel. No wonder we women love anything with a drive-thru. I won't go to a pharmacy that doesn't have a drive-thru. I get to drive and drop of the kids and go through a pick up line. Love it. The only one that is a pain in the ass to pick up is The Boy. Anywhoo. I got to thinking.
Do you guys think our asses get bigger as we have more birthdays, because we sit on them driving back and forth so much?! Hmmmmm! I walk a ton, do my thing, but on days like today I feel like the ass is stuck to the seat in the stretchy position! What do you think? Any ideas?
Ok, now on to other things. Who else has PMS? I never ever keep track, but believe like the Red Tent does, we all have to be somewhere in the same time frame. I'm sure I'm in the hubby's PDA, but he's not here for me to ask .
I'm just full of questions today, huh? Well tonight is Alias night and I can't wait! Soooooo, I'm going to go over to Kristine's and find out what SPF is and get started early.
TTFN Friends,
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
It's easy my Bloggin' Babes! They're all the same. With the promise of one little BJ...they'll give us anything. MD would ask for more spending too. Liza..she gets little her guy to stop at the store. Dottie agrees with the power our little mouths hold. LOL!
I'm cracking up just thinking about it!
I dare you to ask for something big. Promise a BJ...and see what they do!
Then...tell us if you actually had to do the deed. LOL!
PS..Only in porns do women actually pretend to enjoy it with such pleasure!
Come on...I dare you all.
I'm off to rest my brain now. I was the volunteer mommy Room Mom. Yes... a mommy with my mouth is in there as the Domestic Goddess twice a week. Yep, oh and I do the Box Tops 4 Education program. So now I'm going to rest my poor head from my hard day of volunteering. (yes...what a life.)
Love you guys,
Monday, October 17, 2005
Conversation With The Candy Man About Money 3,999!
CM..When did you find out?!
ME..Ugh, last Thursday. If you look on the caller ID..I swear it was Thursday (really Wed., but what's a day.)
CM..Ok Here's the check, but hunny you need to give me a little more notice.
ME..Hunny I soooo will.
Me..Ummmmm hunny...I have to buy Sammy's class pictures tomorrow.
CM..CHRIST..What the hell else does that school want me to pay?
ME..Hunny..It's Church..I don't think saying Christ is going to help things.
CM..Here's your money. Now...Do I get sex for this?!
ME..Ummmmmmm...anything to not get the lecture baby. :) let me watch the Colts get their ass kicked!
BTW..I really need a BJ..too
ME..I bet you do baby. Oh and do you have any cash hunny...I ran out of my money early, because I needed to get some extra fabric. (a look from him)...I'm just trying to make the house look cute..
CM..I for sure get a BJ tonight.
*****Ok my Blogging Babes..who wants to bet me that he'll fall asleep before sex is even an issue. :)****
Sewing 101...
Yes, I just reread this post! I'm f-ing boring. Like anyone cares about my sewing machine problems. Second...I sound way too domestic for my own good. Finally, I thought..WTF so much happened this weekend that there has to be some sort of story.
So, Riddle me this. Why is that this anti gun mommy will not let the boy have guns, but I don't have a problem with light sabers. HMMMMMMMM! I'm a walking Contradiction, but oh well. Hmmmm I feel like I have PMS.
The old saying..."You just need a basic machine if you're learning to sew."
Bloggies, I'm here to tell you that is crap! My sexy, wonderful, used constatly embroidery machine....needs to go and be fixed. Ugh! The computer part that you program the stiches into is having horrible issues. UGH! I guess that's what happens when you put sewing and embroidery with a computer together. You know there are bound to be technical issues. I'm just not too confident that the old sewing man has enough computer skill to figure out my machine. (Yes...I'm sick just thinking about it.) let's move on. I am working on a slipcover for a bookcase. Sounds freaky..but trust me it's going to be soooooo cute! Plus, I don't need to get new cases. Plus plus, you'll still be able to see the books if I roll up the front and and tie with a little bow. Sooooo cute. I saw it on DIY. Here's the problem. I have to use my non sexy, still handy, yet...pain in the ass sewing machine.
Here's the thing. This was what I used before my sexy baby. It's like going from luxury to economy in the matter of a stich. How could I have learned on a machine like this. Threading the bobbin is a pain in the ass. You need to be much pickier with thread...and's just not easy. Ok...I'm done.
So, here's my tip for you. If you ever want to learn to sew (which I totally recommend to anyone) then learn with a decent machine. You don't need anything high end...but go for medium end. My Brother, isn't crap, but I soooo can't believe how I learned on something that can be so tempermental!
Yes Yes...enough of my complaining.
Now, Back to my slipcover!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Relaxing and Freaking and a little more RED than I thought!
It's gorgeous out this morning. WE have 65, a slight breeze and it feels wonderful. Next, we have my yummy coffee. It's doing it's job, but tasting an awful like like a French Roast...and I'm not a fan of French roasts. Hmmm..more creamer will do it. :)
Next...the war is on! What war? The war with my squirrel friend. I just want to say he scared the hell out of me. I went to get the paper and boom I saw him run up the tree. Now, I did the Blogger Babe thing..and went to grab the camera. Ugh. There that little F-er was. If he has to be near he better damn well pose.
Here's what I got..LOL.

Happy Saturday Guys!
Oh...and is my make up picture for SPF...Little Miss Guilt Giver..:)
Friday, October 14, 2005
SPF...Favorite pictures! I chose the kids and strayed topic.
Here are some of my favorite pictures right now!
*One with Kelsey today for picture day! She looks so cute and soooo not!
*One with Kelsey at 5 in the Snow! I love this picture! It's one of my favorite pictures.
*A picture taken by someone else...the taking one of himself in the rearview mirror!
*And Me...I do like my smile and the hair color is looking a little


It's all I have girlies. Now If I had one like Lizzie with some rock hard abs..I'd be posting that in a heartbeat!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Yes...KARMA Will Come Back and BITE You In The Ass!!!!
You are my oldest and my sweet wonderful girl. You have a way of always letting me know when I'm not quite doing something right..and keeping on task when I might be slacking a little.
Thanks for letting me know that my hair looks much better today than yesterday when you found two pieces of gray in it! What would I do without you? Even more importanly..thank you for telling me I screwed up when I pulled them out with my tweezers. Yes, I will remember that 5 more will grow in place of each of those.
What was I thinking?
Tonight you brought back my lovely talks I used to have with Grandma. Yes, I realize without the "Right" outfit picture day will just not be "OK" and I appreciate that. I had pictures taken when I was your age, but I guess it's different now. I will make sure I wake up on time, because I know you want me to use the straightener on your hair. OF course...I wouldn't dream of sleeping until 6:01.
Of course you take after me in the hair department and I should realize you only want to look your best. Besides getting straight A's gives you a little slack in the getting in trouble department. No of course it didn't hurt with the KARMA bit me in the ASS so hard tonight, because I was being paid back for doing the same thing to Grandma. I just hope you listen to me when I say perms and AquaNet will never be used in this house! LOL!
So, tomorrow when I'm up with you and we're slowly straightening your hair...I will not yell with the biting of the karma. No, I will enjoy it...and remember...This too shall pass.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
John Mayer ...YUMMY!
MY Freebie is JOHN MAYER ! I want him naked singing this to me! Ok...yummmmy! That's right a mommy of three and my fantasy man is John Mayer. If only. A girl must dream. LOL.
There you go. Totally TMI and Immature, but screw it! Look at him.
Damn Baby You Frustrate Me....
I have Diet Coke and I'm no longer Bitchy Christie. :)
Mama D...I so wish I had some hot HomeComing Picture! I don't! SO our favorite MILF, I had Stacy's Mom in my little video box just for you! wasn't working. At least you know we all think you are the hottie MILF...! Those stupid homecoming people!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Note To Self...
Waxing is always better than razor burn! When you feel like being cheap..just remember that! The thong works much better with a bikini wax. (TMI..I don't care)
Giving up Diet Coke is just not an option!!!! It's been 3 days and I'm a cranky bitch! I'm going to Costco and buying a Case tomorrow with the money the hubby put on a Cash Gift Card. He does that for my gas, so I don't have to worry about using my allowance. LOL...well tomorrow it will be for Diet Coke.
Finally, I can't believe it's already time to start looking for Christmas Gifts!
Wasn't it just summer?
Monday, October 10, 2005
Pictures and More Pictures!
I don't think I had enough coffee today. That, or I went to bed waaaaay too late. Hmmm. Maybe both. I just had the parent teacher conference for A. It was so great. It's amazing that she's reading so much in first grade.
Ok sooo they're alllll home today. I'm off to cook lunch and do some Domestic Goddess action.
S was looking especially cute for Picture Day!

Oooooh I can See....(He had his hair trimmed around his eyes)

She was cheering at the Vandy game!

My Girly Girl watching the Game

Saturday, October 08, 2005
The first words heard this morning were....
"Shake your hips with Wag The Dog..."
Now, he doesn't just watch. He is in full Wiggle outfit and shaking the hips. He's got his microphone set up (wiggles microphone) and using one of the surround sound speakers for another microphone. LOL. His Yoda light saber is tucked in (handle only) to the waist of his pants and he's using it as his guitar (not that he doesn't have 3 already.) Yes friends....he is my boy.
(His new thing is to snag my camera and take pictures of his shows!)
I asked why he was so busy at 6:22AM and his answer made perfect sense.
"Mommy it's too early to go look for salamanders in the back yard," he said with a DUH Mommy kind of expression. Yep..all boy!
All I can say is Disney is my hero! It's because of that little changel that i got to stay in bed until 6:22 instead of getting up at 5:30!
*Brownie Points to whoever knows the little dude in the picture below!

Now I'm sipping my coffee and trying my hardest to tune them out a little. I was too lazy to get out of bed last night and walk downstairs for Excederin Migraine...and I'm paying the price this morning. The good thing is, it doesn't hurt as much when I'm sitting up. LOL. Aaaaah lucky me.
Ok my sweeties...I need more coffee.
Love and Hugs...