Saturday, June 04, 2005

My Birthday Weekend...

Well, I should be nervous about the number. Yes, I really should. I'm not going to be, though. Life is what it is....and I'm owning it.

The 34th year of Christie has been quite adventurous. It's been filled with deep love, excitement, lonliness, self-discovery, renewel, and serious loss. Mmmmm. Life is an adventure.

I've made wonderful friends and lost a cherished one. I even found an old Dad who wants to be in my life again. I didn't think I'd be able to feel ok again...and I'm starting to. I've finally figured out that I'm worthy of so much. It took 35 years to discover that. The self doubt is leaving, and my confidence is back. My health is sooooo much better, too. I'm mentally and physically better than ever. So, how can I dread 35. I think it will be the best year ever.

As it's been said...I've loved Truly, Madly, and Deeply. So many people don't ever know what it feels like. I, happily, do. I don't have to give that up...and I can hold on to it. I'm taking my deep breaths and doing life. I'm a lucky girl. I know how to be thankful and grateful. Very good things to know about. Trust me.

On this weekend I wish for peace and happy memories. I promise to give myself love and attention from this year on and I promise to accept love in all forms. I will cherish it all past, present, and look forward to the future. I'm lucky I know happiness is possible. Peace is at hand. Love is all around me and in me, spoken and unspoken.

Ok...yes mooshy. It's just what I needed to write for me.

Oh the emotions are flowing today. H.



Bart Treuren said...

Thank you for your honesty, my dear... you brought tears to my eyes, again...

Don't worry... the coming year is going to be a special one and things will get better, but perhaps in ways you'd not anticipated...

hmmm... I'll mail the rest privately methinks...

(and ehhhh... congratulations by the way, with many happy returns and the rest... ;-) )

Peanutt said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you!
Yes, you must sing this while you read those two lines...and you know the rest of the song!!!! I thought your birthday is on the 6th??? I wish you the happiest birthday yet! Great post!
Luv and hugs....
Have a GREAT day!

Oh, to answer your question, mine is the 14th. Its a comin'! LOl. But I'm like you, not fearing the age, its appreciating what I have, which I am finally learning to do! Must be the Gemini in us!

Christie E. Little said...

Oh peanutt! I celebrate all weekend working up to the 6th! LOL! It's the high maintenance part of me!

Thanks you guys for the sweet words. I soooo appreciate it.

Mama Duck said...

Happy brithday, lady...I mean girl!

Remember, we don't say "I'm thirty-five" we say "I'm twenty fifteen."

Finding love and peace within yourself is something everyone should feel one day. Congrats to you. :)

Peanutt said...

Well, I think you should change it to a whole week because that is what I do. I do a countdown from 10! Well, I haven't in about three years since I turned twenty-twelve! LOL
Hope your having a GREAT evening!