Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Bloggers Anonymous Vent Day

Well, thank you MD for starting the pity party, but I'll continue it over here.

Hubby came home last night and told me he's heading out for the war in January. Yes he's an active duty Major in the Marines(for those of you not knowing this.) He was gone for a year(sold cali dream house because unexpectedly had to move to nashville), home for 5 months, gone for a year, and now he's been home for 7 months. He wasn't even supposed to deploy here in Nashville. We were supposed to be home together, after all the time away. Now, we're going on deployment #3 to the war...with the 2nd in Nashville. UGH.

I just feel crappy. It just sucks.

Let's not even get into the war being right or wrong. I just know my kids are going to freak out. Just when they get settled with Daddy home, a suprise deployment comes along. Hence, the need for Zoloft. I need more than a drink. I need a bed and to be able to cover my head and no get up all day long. That's soooo no possible, as you friends might know. Hmmm I could go eat cake until I can't stand the taste anymore..that might make me feel better. LOL. Ugh no.

So, on that note...I'll say party on all you venters. I don't even have anything funny to add, except if I have to watch one more disney show I'm going to scream. There's nothing worse than humming a Wiggles tune alone in the shower.

Bye friends. I'll write more later when I can find my smartass self.


Mama Duck said...

Anthony Wiggle is hot.

That just sucks. I agree about not going into whether the war is right or wrong, but EVERY TIME I hear about a casualty I SWEAR I cry. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts...BTW, you should check out my friend's site... She's preggers in Texas and he's "over there." I feel for your kids too, that's gotta be rough. ((hugs, drinks and laughs))

Christie E. Little said...

LOL...he's way better after he lost all that gorilla body hair.

I'm cracking open a diet pepsi and putting it over ice right now. My drink of choice. LOL.

Me said...

I'm sorry that you have to go through this. Your whole family. Just know you're all in my thoughts and prayers. I support our military 100%. Hang in there! Hugs!

Peanutt said...

sorry that your family is going through this. Big hugz to you and we're here for when you need to vent, laugh, cry, bitch, whatever!
Have a great day.

Marie said...

I'm sorry...I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for you and your family. You sound like a very strong woman and a great mother and wife. I'm new to your blog but am enjoying reading your posts very much. I know I'll be a regular. :-)