Saturday, July 02, 2005

Thanks Marie and Jewl.. !!!! Tagged Twice!

Just so you know...all of the family and kids needs are of course first and needed more than anything every day. I just ventured into the total selfish realm. LOL. How can I escape my precious lovlies as they are dancing and playing in front of me as I type. :)

Three nicknames
- Xty (pronounced X T), Sweetie, and Mother Christie (my smartass sisters call me that).
Three things I like about myself - Smile, My sense of humor, Being a good friend.
Three things I don't like about myself- Not being able to say no, My fingers w/out a mani, the need to look at caller id before I answer the phone.
Three things that scare me - Bugs, These Saturday Night shows my oldest girl watches, and more bugs.
Three everyday essentials - Snuggling with my little ones, COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE, and my computer.
Three things I'm wearing right now - T shirt, Yoga pants, and a nice glow from the sun.
Three fave bands growing up - Go Go's, U2, and Duran Duran
2 truths and a lie - I got caught in the Patriot Act because I never changed my last name after we got married with social security and my license says my married name, I'm a ditz at times, and I don't read the Wedding Section every Sunday in the paper (geek i know).
Three things I can't do without - Coffee, Computer and TIVO
Three things I can certainly live without - Moving again, Southern twang when I say my son's name (ugh..) and the boys pee on the walls around the toilet (1,2,3,...gag.)
Three places I want to go on vacation - Paris, A yoga spa in cali, on the coast, without kids, and a nice beach resort with free drinks!
Three things I want to do before I die - Really love and be loved, Travel the world, and have my books published!
Tag You're It!


Mama Duck said...

You should thank your lucky stars everyday to have that twang, missy! You could talk like the people I'm surrounded by, "Ah yuh, let's go owuht on the bo-uh-t." (translation: Yes, let's go out on the boat.")

God, it's like living in Fargo.

Christie E. Little said...

Ok Ok...thanking my lucky stars! Whatever you do, don't you dare pick up on that accent at all! Just enjoy the lake water! Take it enjoy it, but don't soak in the language :)!

That damn twang has entered my mouth and I can't seem to shake it. How it happened. I don't know. Trust, me's Karma coming back to bite my ass. :) It's ok, though...the hubby thinks it's sexy.

LizzieDaisy said...

Gosh... what to say first... :)

Your kids are adorable... I love Riesling... I hate the pee on my wall too... baseball in hot weather is no fun either (but I still had fun too)... and what kind of phone do you have that you can do individual rings for each person??? I need a new one desperately. Mine only holds a charge for like 5 minutes. :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Love yours. And you should wear a bikini if you run that much on your treadmill. You totally deserve it!

Peanutt said...

Oh, I soooo think that we need to set up one of those kidless vacations to the spa with free drinks! And soon!!!

Jewl said...

A Kidless vacation? Is there really such a thing? LOL... Great answers

Marie said...

Hey girl! I loved reading your answers. :) Thanks for participating. lol

Ahh..a spa day in Cali. Have you been to the Claremont Resort up in the Berkeley Hills? BEAUTIFUL. :)