Tuesday, July 19, 2005


Yes..I have agreed to give it up for food! Now follow me on this one. I know you married ones will understand this concept. (don't get me wrong though..he gets it more than most men...so he shouldn't even complain ever!)

What do you find the toughest part of the day? I know...I know...what a life I have if this is a hard thing, but just go with me. I think it's figuring out dinner! Ugh. I love cooking, but it's been soooooo e-fing hot. I just don't want to warm up the kitchen, defrost anything, or grill.

The hubby called...yep...hinting around about dinner. I hadn't even had cup of coffee number two and he's already talking about what we're having for dinner?! I knew he was up to something. So he talks some more. He's flirting with me. Asking what I want to do tonight. (code word for sex.)

Then come the words...."Hunny I was thinking if you wanted a fun night (bj included sex) then hey, why don't I bring home Chinese and you don't have to worry about it."

Now come on, who would not say yes to that?

Without even thinking, "Anything you want hunny...just bring home chinese food!!"

So there you go. No cooking required...just sex that includes a BJ.
Hmmmmmmm So worth the Chinese food! Bad me...I know.


Marie said...

Hey girl. I see no problem with that! It sounds like a win-win situation there. ;)

Christie E. Little said...

I'm LOVING the Old Towne margarita sipping picture. I miss home!

Erik Holtan said...

Well I guess I have something to NOT look forward to in a couple years(regarding the below post)
As far as this post, I would say your getting the good end of the deal! But that is from a guys point of view! Have fun!

Choppzs said...

I can totally relate!! lol Pretty sad, but I can. Though recently, I have been able to use the pregnancy excuse as to why I don't cook, so that's good, plus I can use the pregnancy as the no sex excuse also!! lol So I am good either way, hehehehehe!

Marie said...

Christie - LOL! I thought I'd switch my picture out for a bit. ;-)

Mama Duck said...

Hey, whatever floats your boat and makes him happy too!

I love that you're just a crude as I am. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Peanutt said...

Hopefully your getting spring rolls with that!

Christie E. Little said...

Ok guys..I've been pretty fiesty lately and slightly out there...but it's one long,hot, and kid filled summer. I've got the summer frazzleness going on. :)

So, please, excuse the frank BJ talk and my slutty little sex for food scheme!'

Me said...

Holy shit girl...you are cracking me up!!!

That's definetely an offer I couldn't refuse either!!! You go girl :)

Jewl said...

LOL... Sounds exactly like something my hubby and I would do! By the way, do they still have O'Hungry's there in Old Town? Pretty cool place!

Melissa said...

I understand. Been there, down that!

Mr Crane said...

so what happens if I bribg over a steak sammich?????? Kidding, funny blog.

Carrie said...

my god, woman.... you are simply genious.

granted, I've offered the sex for troy NOT going out to lunch... but to get food that *I* want????

I have so much to learn!

I'm thinking a little take-out and *ahem* DINE-IN might be needed tonight! thanks for the idea!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »