Friday, July 08, 2005

Happy Friday My Friends!

Today has been a long long day, but a good one. We went swimming as you can see in the lovely pictures! My children seem to have me on some leash, huh.

I'm chugging back some diet coke and feeling my fried shoulders. Why can't I just be a bronze goddess! Oh yeah, it's the Irish gene pool. I have equal amounts of Italian, but somehow I look all the Irish girly. I am a freckle at least that keeps me young. :) Woohoo for keeping me young. Oh and let's not forget I use 30 regularly.

What happened to the days of laying out at the beach with baby oil or on top of the dorms in Tucson, Az with baby oil! LOL! Oh, to be a kid again. Well that is where I'm at today. I have so much going on, but the children are bugging me and nudging me out of my blog time.

So my darlings...we'll connect later.


Marie said...

Hey chickie...The Y near your house looks VERY cool. It's HUGE. No wonder you and the kids like it there so much...the swimming pools and activities look great. :-)

Good for you in wearing mass sunscreen. I wear sunscreen always even though I have dark skin (not trying to rub it in!). ;) Have a great night, girl! Talk to you later...Hugs, M

Bart Treuren said...

The foto's of the kids are great :D You're a lucky mum... cherish them and be patient, they need you now and even more so later.
See ya later...

Taylor said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

LizzieDaisy said...

Wow... and I thought OUR Y rocked. I am going to have to send your pictures to them or something. They have SO much room to expand. They need to build that pool for me. :)

Anyway, what I was REALLY was going to say was that my hub's family is Irish too. VERY. Half of them burn like mad, the other half tan like mad. Odd isn't it? And I remember the good ol days of baby oil. I refuse anything other than 4 most days (sometimes I'll put 30 on my shoulders and face), but usually I use nothing. Gasp. I know, me bad. Oh well. I don't go in the sun often and am one that just doesn't burn. Lucky me. Hopefully when I'm fifty, I won't regret that decision. Hm.

Okay, no lectures. I don't live in Cally or AZ.

Jewl said...

Your kids are so cute! Wish we had something like that here to bring Em to...looks like fun!