Sunday, July 10, 2005


The Buddies

Here I was washing my floor and being the Domestic Goddess that I am! The boy comes in crying and rather demanding, of course.

"Sammy, don't come in or you'll slip.....Sammmy Sammmmy .....Damnit, " Saying this as my boy fell on his sweet little tushi, followed by his screaming.

This happened as the delightful boy was screaming for a long sleeved shirt, because his other one was just not "perfect enough." Soooooooo, after the fall, I guided him out of the glowing kitchen with the sparkly floor. Then in a matter of seconds the girls started screaming and the boy had done it this time. The partners in crime....Sam and Reeses....the dog were out to make me frazzled. The dog was out and took off. So, there we were. All of us, except the hubby....were chasing the dog in the car. That damn dog! Ugh!

So my small miracle of the day was that it only took about 10 minutes of chasing the dog in the car...for him to come back. All together now....Thank God! Seriously! So the Sunday drive wasn't as long as it could have been.

Now to make a Christie Tini...Yes...I soooo need one right about now.


Fej said...

Hee hee, minus the sparkly floors I've soooo been there. In the car looking all over the neigborhood for my damn dog.

I'm glad it all worked out though.

Marie said...

LOL! Sorry, I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time but it's funny to read it outloud. ;) You deserve that Christie-tini for sure. Have one for me, will ya?

I'm glad you got the dog back fairly quickly.

Jewl said...

Ahh, the dogs, I am all to familiar with their antics... Just the other morning one of mine jumped in my bed with fresh sheets with it's muddy paws... I can't legally tell you what I wanted to do to that dog! Glad it wasn't an all day event for you!

Melissa said...

I think a sparkly floor is a draw for kids for some reason. Only so they can bust their ass and tie up your time for the next 30 minutes screaming!