Saturday, July 30, 2005

Saturday Night Fever!

I'm feeling so sick today. I've had a migraine most of the day. Here are just a few thoughts, though for this long long Saturday.

*Note to self. Next time I order Chinese make sure to say "NO MSG!" I can't have it. So many places you don't need to say a word, but here in the's necessary! If I don't mention it...then I can just count on a f-ing Migraine!

*Next time it's that time..make sure there is a good supply of Excederin Migraine or better yet get some Imitrex on time! This "time" has just kicked my ass this month.

*Hire a new cleaning lady!

*The new car is awesome. I just need to stock up on AA batteries, because I seem to be going through them like candy!

*Finally...thank you to all of you for coming by and posting. It's amazing how we have formed this Over Blogging Anonymous group...and we seem to click on so many levels. I consider my fellow OBA members my friends. You are all wonderful! I soooo appreciate you all. We're all pretty lucky to have one another to make us laugh, lift us up on the hard days, share our ugly hair and to give us a little bright spot during our Mommy Days! (or for you Marie..your wild single days)


Christie E. Little said... naughty naughty woman! The batteries are for my camera! I seem to be taking so many pictures!

I'm feeling much better today, thanks. I finally got some Excederin Migraine and after about 9 hours of a migraine it began to subside.

YellowRose said...

Hi, came here through Cat's blog...I also have migraines on a grand scale. I have complex migraines, which cause stroke like symptoms, but I also have typical migraines. Have you ever tried Relpax? It works better than Imitrex. Knocks it out in a hour or two! Just a suggestion! I know how horrible it is to have those blasted things, so I spread the word when I find something that works! :)

Love your blog, I'm going to add you to my blogroll! :)

Marie said...

hey girl! sorry to hear about your migraine. :-( that sounds brutal.

I love our OBA group too. ;)

I was curious about the AA battery usage as well. LOL

I hope you're feeling better, chica.

By the way, I was looking for some Oingo Boingo videos to no avail... LOL


Christie E. Little said...

We are pretty cool aren't we?!

Carrie said...

glad your head is feeling better.... we had chinese the other night, and while I escaped the headache.. it hit my stomach pretty hard.

but soooo worth it!!!

so now that you're hosting the Over-Blogging Anonymous group... can you pass the cookies? meetings are no good without snacks!!!

Me said...

I love our OBA group. We rule! And you're very welcome!! Lord knows I've appreciated you all over the past few weeks too!

Hope you're feeling better honey! Put your feet up, relax and have some yummy coffee!

Jewl said...

Missed ya, but I am back, finally!
Glad you are back on track and feeling better...

Erik Holtan said...

Well, it is Monday, so hope the headacne hasn't lasted this long!
I have a headache right now, and it's called a Sergeant Major!
Have a good day!

Mama Duck said...

I'm with Cat....which car did you go with?!?!!?

And I agree...I was thinking the same thing about the you were so excited about the get where I'm going with this... :)

Peanutt said...

Did I miss a post? What kind of car did you get? And what exactly are those batteries for??????

Peanutt said...

LOL, I just read your comments to CAT...geez, PAY ATTENTION!!! LOL