Monday, July 04, 2005

A huge what if?

So...I know we're not supposed to focus on the past. I just think it's so amazing how many of us how huge "What If's" that have happened in our lives. Some of us took the other road and have amazing happiness. Others of us took the well traveled path and happy too. It just makes me wonder about that other path.

LOL...ok maybe it led to a pile of crap over the hill and around the bend. It just has been making me think about it lately. The one choice that changed the course of our lives. Hmmmm deep thoughts, huh? I'm sipping a cocktail or two and waiting for the fireworks. LOL! GO figure.

Mmmmm I'm in that kind of mood. Thinking waaaay too much.

Feel free my darlings to comment on the curvy roads taken. :)


Anonymous said...

Only by examining past mistakes do we learn to avoid future mistakes. But the whole "what if I had..." thought process is unproductive and can prevent forward progress.

Book Bums said...

What if I had never married Mr. Wrong...would I have still found Mr. Right?

Jewl said...

I think both of us have taken the road less traveled... It is one thing to be married to a Marine, it is another to stay married. KWIM? If I hadn't married hubby I am not sure what I would be doing...I know I wouldn't have been around the world... I do not take things for granted, I have learned a lot. If I had not married him I think I would still be living a sheltered life, unaware of all I had, and still be a bitch...
By the way, we have also been to Pendleton, Iwakuni, San Angelo, and now here. Keith IS going to Iraq in August for 7-14 months. Let me know what is going on with your hubby once you find out....

Carrie said...

when I think about my life (or at least the last 30+ years of it) I know for sure that I didn't always make the most ideal choices.

however... when the pot boils away or some other methaphorical wisdom inserted here... everything I've done in my past has gotten me here today. And since today is the only thing I can really get my arms around (past is gone, future has yet to happen, so no changing happening there)like I said... since today seems to be the only thing I can control... I choose to try to enjoy where I'm at.

It's a lot more challenging then it seems... but the good thing is that even when I'm failing miserably at 'today', I know I can try again the next day.

did I have a point??? oh yeah...

The what if game can be fun... just try not to get bent on things you think you did wrong.... cause I really believe that there's potential for good in every choice we make.


Happy 4th, and thank you for being with one of our Nation's brave military men. You and your children give him a reason to keep fighting, which we all benefit from. Men and women like your husband are heros, for sure... but so are you and your children.... so thank you!

Mama Duck said...

I know that I wouldn't be the same person today had I not married my first hubby. And I know that my current hubby and I would not have been mature enough to make a mariage last if we were married to each other first as we are POLAR OPPOSTITES when it comes to almost everything.

But I do always wonder "what if" about my very first true love ever. How would my life have turned out if we were still together? Then again, some cans of worms are better left on the shelf.

Melissa said...

I think about that sometimes too. Definitely getting married. I sometimes think about what would have happened if I hadn't, but I think my decision was for the best.

Peanutt said...

I think I have had alot of crossroads in my life. And I'm sure there will be more to come. I just try to stay focused in today, although, I do ponder the "what if" or even "I wonder what will" I guess the fun is the not knowing what is to come and only hope that it keeps getting better and better!
Have a great day!!!!

Lucky Lum said...

I find myself doing the "what ifs" also. Especially as I was writing about my first wedding that never happened blog. What if I had stayed with him? I'd probably be an unstable alcoholic losing my mind but with inescapable love for him in my heart.

LizzieDaisy said...

What if...

I'd gone to Michigan instead of following my bf (now hub) to Purdue... long distance rarely works.

If we'd not gotten married.

If we'd not stayed married... there was a time.

If I'd worked instead of staying home.

If I hadn't made my hubby go on a church retreat.

Lots of what ifs... but I love my kids and I love my husband. I can't imagine anything different being better. I guess that is happiness, is it not?


Marie said...

hey girl! I missed you! I hope you had a great weekend. :) Great post, by the way!

I look back on my choices I made, some not always ideal in certain situations...but they've molded my character and who I am. I can relate to what Carrie wrote in her comments. I can take a positive aspect from every major decision I've made, even if they may have been mistakes. They've led me to better opportunities or the chance to cross paths with many interesting people. I've learned so much about myself and wouldn't trade any of it or go back to undo something. It's all a work in progress. ;)