Sunday, May 22, 2005


I can't believe in 15 days, June 6, I'm going to be 35. When did that happen? Ok, so if 40 is the new 30, does that mean 35 can be the equivilant of 25? LOL...Well, I hope not. I love my 30's more than my mid 20's. I must admit, I'm getting better with age.

I am wistful of the years gone by, but one can't live in the past. I'm glad for all my success, my life. It's been quite a ride, so far. I wonder what the adventure holds. If you would have told me I'd be 35 and living in Nashville a few years ago, I'd say you were high! However, this time of my life is giving me some of the sweetest memories yet.

I wish for a wonderful new year. I hope to weed out the hurt of and lows of 34 and move on to the sweetest time yet. :) I'm the eternal optimist, it's got to be good for something.

Ok Ok..enough of me being deep about superficial age. LOL..My coffee hasn't kicked in yet, either has the zoloft. LOL!!!!!!! So, let me curl up with my coffee and paper, while the kids are outside looking at the veggies Mommy is trying to grow. Spiderman is really taken with Starwars, and the Princesses are already wearing the cute little outfits we got yesterday. They are such little fashion cuties, just like the Mommy.

Ok friends, I'm off to the coffee...and let me just share they carried in a dead worm just now! ICK! I'm off to my day...Happy Sunday.


Christie E. Little said...

Yes...I just finished cleaning my coffee off the table, from my the porn danish and cookies!

aprilbapryll said...

G'morning Christie! I'm soon to be 25, so does that make it the new 20? 25 is a whole 'nother age bracket, which sort of frightens me, but I'm being brave. I'm sure you'll do fine too!
BTW, here via the M&G. I'm sure I'll be back sometime!

Mama Duck said...

Instead of saying I'm going to be 32, I'll just say, "I'm going to be twenty-twelve this year." While I'm not ashamed of getting older, it's nice to *sound* like I'm still in my 20s! :)

Christie E. Little said...

Ok...I'm going to be twenty fifteen! I love it! I'm not ashamed of getting older, but 35. I feel like I was in college just a few years ago!

Sandy said...

The 40's are awesome...I can vouch for that! Michele sent me to wish you a happy almost birthday!

Peanutt said...

Happy almost birthday! I'll be 33 on June 14! That is kind of a "blah" age to reach, but I don't stress about it! We have to age, we just don't have to grow up! LOL. I tell people I'm 29 forever!!!! Life does get better with age..even though getting here was alot of fun! My kids keep me young at heart and I love it!!!!

J&J's Mom said...

Hey christie, coming back via your visit to me ;0) I remember 35 I think...I'm 37 now way closer to 40 than I ever thought I'd be! I still remember when my mom was 36! Yikes! Just celebrate the 6th anniversary of your 29th birthday...then it won't hurt so much ! I'm going to go poke around a bit!! nice to meet you!

Taylor said...

Why is it that when you are young you wish to be old. And when you are older you wish to be younger?! Life works in mysterious ways!

The one thing about getting older is that there are new memories in the book of life ;)

Happy Birthday!

Fej said...

Holy Cow! Look at all these comments. I like your logic, that would make me 22! As for the worm, at least it wasn't alive?

And you know, I sent myself over...

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » »