Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Were we such a handful?

My 10 year old princess got her bangs cut! We have been in the growing the bang out phase forever and it's been driving me crazy. I know, I know, pick your battles! This is one just got under my skin. I know I never was such a pain at 10. I mean, come on, I was a naive 10 year old. My daughter was explaining what a lesbian is to my 6 year old. Yes, that had me spitting my drink out of my mouth when hubby and I heard that one. Soooooo....she is a straight A student. She is gifted and a miracle (my 17 surgery girl who was a 31 week preemie.) She's precious and really good. However, she tells ME I don't know about style!!!!!!! What?! Me!!!!!? No way! Has it come to that? I don't need to be a "cool" mom, but come on....not know about style. UGH. she was backtalking. You know, when girls just don't know when to stop. So, I warned her. I warned her again....and finally told her that if she kept it up I'd cut her bangs. (Yes hoping she'd keep it up..bad I know.) Well, she granted my wish and kept it up! Wooohooo!!!!! Her hair was going to be trimmed...and look sweet again. And so it happened...she cried, but it was ok. I sucked it up with a smile. Oooooh and she looks so nice. I told her how cleaned up it looked...and she told me she LOVED it! She didn't know why we didn't do her hair like that sooner! DUH!!!

Good luck all you girl mommies.


Peanutt said...

Girls, I wonder if one day I'll have one! LOL. I have enough battles to fight with boys! I'm glad you won your battle and it all worked out in the end!

Fej said...

Don't even start with girls... my two are driving me nuts. A short drive by the way.

Did you realize that after all this time I didn't have you linked on my blog? Oops. I fixed that:)

Christie E. Little said...

Well thank you for making me blog I think I did notice that. It didn't ruffle my girly feathers. :)

Peanutt..I have the two girls and now my boy. They are soooo different.

Carrie said...

oh. that's right. they. get. older.

Thanks for the fair warning.... at least mine can't talk yet... but I know the trouble is coming!

Taylor said...

Oh goodness - what I have to look forward to! I am scared! LOL! Will you be around for advice in, say, 12 years?! LOL!

Me said...

Likewise...something to look forward to :) I have to say that girls are just so caddy. Sometimes I wish I were a guy without the penis...LOL.

Lori said...

My oldest was teaching OTHER girls how to do their hair in the 5th grade. LOL And my middle daughter does girls' hair for the prom and such. She does fabulous stuff with her hair. People always think she's wearing extensions. And my youngest daughter, her oldest sister trimmed her hair a couple of weeks ago and that night she got bored and cut it all off short. And it looks fabulous.

I was a girls seem to not have inherited that gene! LOL

And speaking of linking to other do you do that? Anyone wanna share that info with me?

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