Thursday, May 26, 2005

My body is a launching pad!

My husband took today off, so it was nice to not be totally alone with the kids on day 2 of summer. Well, I feel like I have a summer cold. I'm a little out of it. You know that foggy feeling behind your face...and feeling like the last thing you can do all day is take care of three kids alone.

I made them a wonderful lunch, because I am Superwoman! LOL. Mexican for all of them. Then it was naptime. So, I put a show on for the little ones so they could have some quiet time and I quickly fell asleep. One was snuggled behind my knees (always, another on the other couch, and one on the floor. All of a sudden, I woke up. I felt something strange. There he was. Spiderman was balanced on my hip bone ( I was on my side) and then he took a flying leap off my body to the floor. I was in shock. Before I could say anything....He was up on me again. Woosh...He flew off again. That's right friends, I've become just another launching pad.

He had a great excuse. I had told him not to jump off the couch...and Mommy isn't a couch. So, what's wrong he wanted to know? Such logic! This all came after he (four years old) ran out to me naked from the bathroom to show me his penis that had "growed"!!!! That's right friends...a boy erection at 4 1/2! The pediatrician told me not to worry the last time it kept "growing", but ugh...we had a talk about how the sisters are not to see the "growing penis"!!!!! Such conversations these kids are making me have with them!



Bart Treuren said...

Hihi... here's me laughing, with a household full of daughters (grin)... summer colds, tell me about it... know the feeling all too well (damn...)
Bye ;-) Bart

Christie E. Little said...

You name it...I'll fix it up!

I love girls, though...but it's fun haivng a boy and seeing all the differences. I don't even have brothers, so my son is introducing me to Superheros, Worms, and Star Wars toys. Soooooo much fun.

I just wish I could feel a little better right now and have a good laugh. I'm good at laughing.

Fej said...

My mom told me the story about when my "manhood" first started growing. Apparently, I also had the desire to show everyone what was happening. She was really worried about our babysitter and what she might think.

Luckily I outgrew that little habit.

Peanutt said...

That is too funny! Been there, done that! People always wonder where I get so many bruises from, now the truth has been told!!!

Yes, also experience the 4 1/2 erection! Ugh, just keep it in your room! LOL.

Christie E. Little said...

Peanutt....thank you for confirming that the boy is just fine and developmetnally on track..LOL.
I'm cracking up!

Melissa said...

Too funny!!!

Juno said...

When my son was a little guy he woke me up one morning to tell me that "the people in his penis were making muscles and trying to turn him into a muscle man."

I opened one eye and asked how many people were in there.

He said "Two".

Best explaination for a hard-on I ever heard!

Mama Duck said...

We spend all this time making our bodies beautiful temples and the dang kids go and turn us into a jungle gym!!! ;)

Taylor said...

That is so hilarous!!!!!! Oh my goodness I just can't believe the things children say! LOL!