Saturday, May 14, 2005

Kids Kids Kids

Rainy days and kids inside are quite a mix. At the moment, Spiderman is gargling Diet Coke and Princess #2 is making him laugh so it's coming out of his nose. Delightfu, huh? The coffee has done nothing to help me today. Oh now they're chasing each other around the couch. LOL...let it stop!

Calgon take me away!

If I hadn't had PMS days ago..I'd think I had PMS right now. The kids, as much as they're being little wild rugrats right now, they crack me up!

The rain needs to stop, because I have things to do today. The last thing I need is to drag the kids out in the rain and listen to the arguing about who gets to hold which umbrella! LOL...Life with kiddies, fun. Moms must have strategic planning on the outings. Without a plan...we'd all be screwed. You know what I mean mommies...dont' you?


Bart Treuren said...

hey christie... this isn't a negative version of your Hot Hot Hot post of a couple of days ago (blush) is it?

Don't worry, despite all the gender warfare of the last 40 years, I understand perfectly... kids are kids, you improvise and try to do what you can, how you you can at least keep the slightest sense of sanity...

Isn't that what kids are for?Chances are that I'll have to accompany them to the the unemployment agency when I'm 85, but well see.
Just ignoring

Bart Treuren said...

oh, incidentally... daddies understand too ;-)