Friday, April 29, 2005

Tag I'm it...

Thanks Holly..I had nothing to type about today....

What follows is a list of different occupations. Select at least five of them. Add more to the list if you like, and then pass it on.
Of the five you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession. Then pass it on to three other bloggers.
If I could be a scientist…
If I could be a farmer…
If I could be a musician…
If I could be a doctor…
If I could be a painter…
If I could be a gardener…
If I could be a missionary…
If I could be a chef…
If I could be an architect…
If I could be a linguist…
If I could be a psychologist…
If I could be a librarian…
If I could be an athlete…
If I could be a lawyer…
If I could be an innkeeper…
If I could be a professor…
If I could be a writer…
If I could be a backup dancer…
If I could be a llama-rider…
If I could be a bonnie pirate…
If I could be a midget stripper…
If I could be a proctologist…
If I could be a TV-Chat Show host…
If I could be an actor…
If I could be a judge…
If I could be a Jedi…
If I could be a mob boss…
If I could be a personal trainer…
If I could be a professional race car driver…
If I could be a stand-up comedian…
If I could be an artist…
  1. If I could be a chef...I'd cook the yummiest food and have my own show on the Food Network.
  2. If I could be an inn owner....I'd have it be on my west coast and then I'd have my very own getaway.
  3. If I could be a Jedi...I'd ban all Star Wars geeks from lining weeks beofore the movie premiere.
  4. If I could be an athlete....then I'd have to get a boob job so my boobies wouldn't hurt from all the
  5. If I could be a professional race car car would be sparkly pink!


Fej said...

NO! You can't have a sparkly pink race car! That's got to be some sort of violation. Isn't it? Well, I suppose if it's fast enough...

Lori said...

ooooo could be fun! I'll have wait until I have more time to myself to do this though. Probably Monday.

Pink!? LOL

Christie E. Little said...

I can have pink if I want. It's my signature! Didn't you know that by now. :)

Tag...Fej, Lori and Gypsy...your it.

I was thinking the sparkly pink would have a slight bit of glitter mixed into the pink. How cute would that be. :)

Anonymous said...

Very cool design! Useful information. Go on! » » »