Thursday, April 14, 2005

Spidey and his boy stuff...

TMI (too much information) Beware.
First, let me start by telling you all that I am the oldest daughter with younger sisters. They're still in their younger 20's. I have three children the two older are girly girls 10 and 6. Spiderman was the first and only boy to enter this family by birth in forever he's

Ok. So you can understand that I am learning the boy stuff as we go. I live in a girly house. I'm a girly girl myself. So, when my son did what he did to me the other day...I really felt like I was going to faint. Seriouly, I almost died.

"Oh no Mommy...My____ _____ Growed!" Spiderman is4! OMG!

"Mommy, Look!" He came over and yelled!

"Hey, Ava....!" He Screamed.....

I shot up out of my frozen horrified state and screamed for the Princess to stay put. Then I had to calmly explain to him that I understood he was excited for an amazing event to happen! He was just watching in amazement. (They fall in love with it so young)

The next day came and he said, " Oh no, not again...It growed."

OMG! What?! UGH! UGH! My girlfriends tell me it's natural, it's normal, but please so young,
and he's aware. No wonder men are so wrapped up there and make sure it's still there all the time. It starts so early.

I have to tell you all that I told this to the pediatrician yesterday when I took him for an appointment for an ear infection. I was laughed right out of the room. I felt like an idiot. Ok so it's normal, but jeez....! I had to share that. It's an almost daily thing now. I'm going with it and not making a big deal out of it. I am the daughter of it shouldn't be that big of a thing for me to be open, right. LOL. Ugh...but still.

SORRY FOR THE TMI (too much information)


Lori said...

ROFL!!!!! Being the mom of a 4 year old myself I can totally relate! Only he touches his all the time and until the other day never really commented on the erections he's had. However, the other day, he just kept saying, "My penis is bigger and it won't go down!" Even after peeing...even after being dressed fully and ready for school for a half hour it was still erect. This disturbed him more than me! lol

Christie E. Little said...

I am laughing so hard! Woohoo...I'm not the only one! They're all like that! I almost thought the post was too much and I was going to take it off, but thank you for the comments. I feel soooooo much better. It is sooo strange. I know it's normal, but if you could here Spiderman's voice say, "Oh no not's grown!" You wouldn't be able to stop laughing. Good to know he's normal...and glad to know I"m not the first or last to be laughed out of the peds office. :)

Boys! I will admit, though, soooooo much easier than the Princesses!

Bart Treuren said...

Bwahaha... have you been reading Jeff's blog again ;-) ?

Although I'm the proud father of an all girl household, I can well imagine the fits of mirth at such a sweet and naive comment by your Spiderman...