Sunday, January 16, 2005

Buying a computer with a man...

Who out there has ever bought a computer with a man? Wlell, if you haven't lately, let me tell's quite the experience. LOL. We went out for a nice little outing yesterday. I don't even think we went looking for a computer. I think it was just a little trip for furniture female stuff. Then we walked through some "Great Deals."

Let me begin by saying that hubby is quite the money manager. We live a great life, but with three kids, house, two cars, dog, investments, and his quicken budget not too far from his mind, ever...we don't "Splurge" to just splurge. We have two computers, but the hard drive went on his little Toshiba and we just needed to get a new one, "i guess"..?lol. Well we found a new Toshiba and it was awesome. Built in wireless and awesome great price. Ok, Ok. We went to dinner and thought about it. So I said fine go back and get it.

So my money miser who has me on an "allowance" because I'm the shopper goes in and buys his computer. I kept them busy and he was off on his mission. We found the arcade games that the kids are attracted to like white on rice and it's mildly disturbing to the mommy. Games with guns, grown ups playing the video games....ugh. I kept telling myself he'd only be a few more minutes.

Finally, there he came towards me. I couldn't believe myh eyes. It couldn't be. Oh no...if you could have just seen his face and his arms. He bought TWO computers. He had this smile. His answer to my unasked"Hunny, but it was such a fucking great deal." Well, he can question my drive through practices for a diet coke, but hell an extra laptop at a great price. LOL...What the hell.

So, I won't complain. I am typing my Sunday morning blog and drinking my yummy coffee with my new wireless laptop on my warm couch, instead of the chilly bonus room upstairs. :)
Chow friends..

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