Friday, December 30, 2005
Ringing It In....2006!!!!
I wish you all a fabulous start to your New Year! This past year brought me so many wonderful friends. I'm lucky to have all of you.
Eat...Drink (don't drive)....and be Merry! I'm thinking of you all. I'll be back in a week or so...!I'm sure the withdrawls will hit me, but I'll back soon.
Love You All...
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
I'm thinking about what I want to do this year. I figure I'll be on the ship on the 1st so it's a good way to stay good for whatever I choose. Do I do the ever favorite one about weight? Hmmm boring. I want something good. Do I choose to stop pleasing? Ummmm Maybe.
See, it's a mixed bag. I'm thinking about it. I want a doozy. I want to challenge myself. Letting go is a good one.
Crap..I even make doing a resolution hard!
LOL...I'll think about it and come back. I know one thing for sure. You guys matter and I love that we've had this year to get to know each other. We all ROCK as a group and I'm glad that even with all the miles we work in our crazy way.
Monday, December 26, 2005
2006...? No Way.!
Christmas was a total success. I can't even tell you how wonderful a day it was. We did miss our family..and it felt a little off because of that. It wonderful, though for the kids. They loved their gifts. Yep...Mrs. Claus really did quite a number with all that planning and list making. :)
Now, it's time for vacation planning. Hot Damn! I need a vacation. Get this...I slept in until 8:45 this morning! If you know anything about me, than you know that sleeping in until 7 is LATE! I woke up and it was 8:45. Kelsey made me coffee, the kids were good...and I think Ava only called me on the walkie talkie 3 times during the night to tell me she had a tummy ache. LOL! That's right. A walkie Talkie.
So the new thing is a throw back to the baby monitor! We got them walkie talkies for Christmas. So now instead of coming in to my room 3 times during the night...Ava baby can just beep me. "Mommy...Mommy.." That's what I wake up to. Much easier to keep her in bed than put her back in bed after she comes in and wakes us all up! LOL..just a little hint for you guys. It totally works!
I'm off to sip some more coffee out of my new starbucks mug. I love it! It keeps my coffee warm during the cold mornings. Mmmm love it.
TTFN...thinking of you sweeties.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas You Hottie Mrs. Claus'
You all know you're in my thoughts. I hope Mr. Claus is very very good to you. Liza due time you'll put on the Mrs. Claus hat. :) Just give it some more time.
Merry Christmas friends. I looked for a good song. I couldn't find just the perfect one, but then this one popped up. LOL. So Elton John And his Christmas Song it is.
Love you...
Friday, December 23, 2005
We're all a little crazy...aren't we?
So listen..(oh need a normal computer) and shake your ass with me. You know this is how we all feel once in a while. LOL...Oh yeah babies...we sooo do. :)
It's two days until the big day and 3 until Hanukah. So, thankfully I have an extra day to get the Hanukkah box to the parents. So funny. Jewish Dad, Catholic sister who is Jewish..another who stuck with being Catholic...and me. LOL. I miss my grandma, but you know...I smile. She's soooo watching us this Christmas and getting a good laugh. Melanie is pregnant, Erin is on a full ride scholarship in law school (and getting into the hottest bars in's the hot ass i'm sure) and my kids are shaking every present in sight. Looking under all the beds and in the closets. Thank you God for a large Trunk...and the fact that they haven't figured it out yet!
Miss you Grandma...but totally still feel you around. Very Sweet.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Feeling Nostalgic..and There Are No Cookies...ugh
You Girlies of mine..and our Matty...know what I mean. I just didn't have much to type right now. I thought this song could say it all.
Someone...pass the cookies..!
Love you..
Monday, December 19, 2005
To be 20 something again....:) and Oh and my Goat...
I can't say enough wonderful things about them. We can talk about one another...tell each other how it is...but I feel sorry for the person who does this in front of us. It's kind of like what you guys said for me on the day of the "incident that made me cry" last week. We fiercly protect one another. Oh and yes..I get to hear about how she had "THE BOMBEST NIGHT"..LOL!
Baby I had the bombest night on saturday. I got into the hottest club, the bouncer looked at me and goes "who you with" I was with my 2 other girls and he let us in free. No cover, which was $20. Then inside Mandy Moore was having her birthday party with Zach Braff,I saw Bruce Willis standing at the bar 3 feet away. Jamie Foxx bought my girls drinks, and Puff Daddy walked by us a couple of times. Other people in attendance: Paris Hilton, Christina Aguleria, and kevin Connelly from Entourage. Then i danced with Aaron Spellings son, remember when he was on 90210. I would have told you all this over the phone but you did not answer the call today. love ya.
Love you guys, too. Oh and yes..Bono is wonderful. I know more about Africa and am trying to do what I can to help Africa (my goat giving) and humanity (sponsoring orphans). It's hard to look at sometimes. I know this. It hurts. It can pull our heartstrings and make us so sad, but taking care of one another is so important. I'm blessed..I have it good. Yes, I have issues and the kids make me crazy on days. However...we have it so much better than those poor women and children over there. Soooo, I do what I can. Anywhoo, go look at and listen to all different people from different political views...religions. It's about people. Ok..I'm done. :)
Happy Monday Friends....
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
Christmas...Mecca...and a Goat
What a difference a year makes. Last year I was in a crappy place. I felt alone, lost, and just trying to figure out where my place was in the world. Yep...I was a young 30 and lost. Well, here I am a year later...and I couldn't have imagined the bright at the end of another year. Thanks friends for sharing your blogs, thoughts, and laughs with me. now, who the F**k knew that finding Legos would be impossible! Ok, well I do have some now, but it took a week! I had it in my shopping cart on amazon 3 times and it was taken out right before buying it! Ugh! Ok...finally, boy in tow I ventured out to where? You got it babies. I went to Mecca! I drove up and the T bullseye just drew me inside for a pilgrimage.
My gingerbread latte called to me. Yummmy. Then I told the boy if he promised to not run and lose himself in the toys I would let him get something special (you guys know the $1 bins at the front? :) So, sipping my latte I ventured into the girly section. I picked up some gloves for me, picked up some more goodies, and put things back after reevaulating my allowance. toys...I needed to get to the toys. I just wanted to make sure to check out the toys. I love my Brand New T!
Right there...alone...all alone on the bottom shelf, I could see one tub of 50th Edition Legos! Hot Damn! Of course I just figured out how to hide it under the coats so the boy didn't see the total boy gift! Then I just wandered to the Christmas ornaments...housewares...candles....mmmmmm.
Get this! I got out of there for only $38! I'm good...Yes, I am.
Oh and let me just add this. All of this happened after I called the hubby at work and told him that he could just buy a goat or some chickens for a village in Africa for my Christmas gift. (an oprah show) I was quickly told he didn't have time for my manic moments. I was serious, but a nice little wrapped something, would be greatly appreciated too. :)
Thursday, December 15, 2005
What I'd Give You For Christmas...
Lizzie GirlyYou would receive a house cleaner for a year, 1 subscribtion to Amazon for free books anytime you wanted, then you'd need free iTunes for a year. Oh...let's add DSL to that list so you can hear all my fun songs! XOXO Love you...and you know it!
Peanutt/aka Peanutt You'd get the Martha Stewart magazine for a year. You'd also get free tickets to any "Metal Head" concerts in town. Hmmmm oh and let's see...Video Teleconferencing so you could walk us through all the holiday crafts you do. :) You're one of the originals and I sooo appreciate you our little Tink.
Mama Duck: This is easy hunny. You would receive unlimited tickets to Texas to get the dose of warmth that's so deserately needed right about now! I'd make sure You had an on call babysitter to come and take the girls so you could go to the park. Then...I'd make sure you had a good supply of Diet Coke and Jack in the pantry. When a girl needs a drink she needs a drink! :) Oh and let's not forget some more sexy hot shoes for winter..LOL. You make me smile daily. That is a wonderful gift sweetie and thank you for that. XOXO
Bethy: Tons and tons of gift cards for Home Depot! You soooo need them with all the renovations you have that Handy man of yours doing. Oh and sweet hotpink badge that says "Don't Mess With My Friends!"'re wonderful.
Choppz: You my dear would get a matching badge like beth. Then you'd get free maid service for a year. With a new baby could soooo use it. Then maybe a weekend at a spa to relax and recover. :)
Jewl: I would bring back that hubby of yours and make sure he was in the Christmasy Santa spirit. :) I'd also work it so that the two of us could maybe be on the same base at the same time! HOw about that?! And sleep...somehow I'd make sleep a nightly occurance. :) If only..huh. lol. XOXO..I always look forward to you.
Marie: Well you have your Job! Woooohooo! Next I'd give you that digital you so desperately need! LOL..oh and maybe a scanner, too. Mmmm...maybe a little mistletoe and a hottie to hang it up for you..:) Yummy or what?! XOXO, C
Dottie: Sweet Dottie..I'd give you a little nice of peace and quiet. I'd give you enough Diet coke to last a year and then a nice little taxi driver to take the kids back and forth to all their functions. :) Maybe just a once and a while a taxi...because we know sometime those car rides are sweet. Ok..let's see...oh and yes..someone to help you get both those trees down after the holidays!
Liza Girl I'd send you some yummy homemade million calorie chocolate chip cookies. You're tiny enough to handle them. Then I'd send you to a nice hot little beach so warm up your cold self! Baby it's got to be cold there. Mmmmm and then I'd send you a wonderful huge christmas tree! XOXO..Your'e so sweet to me and I soooo appreciate you.
Last but soooooo not least! Our Sweet Kitty CAT: Ok with the year that you've had you deserve the vacation of a lifetime with the hot hubby! I'd send you some warm socks for those tootsies of yours that are sooo not used to that cold. Then maybe I'd find just the perfect little "mocha" dog for you. You need a little one to spice it up over there. :)
For all of you...Tickets to meet halfway for cocktails and our trashy kind of humor!
I know I have more people on my "NICE" list. I just need coffee and to take the girlys to school...More later...
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Public Apology...
I'm sitting here in tears because I hurt someone, because I was saracastic. It was being sweet. I didn't have a mean tone in my body.
It's been a rough 4 days over here with me in and out of the doctor's office. I am sorry if I am sarcastic. I'm at a loss here.
I just want everyone to know I didn't mean to hurt Mat. He asked if anyone wanted him to translate something about how civilization is being destroyed. I said...yes translate, we'd love to see how we're working towards our own demise. I said nice thought...but i signed xoxo C. I'm very much a person for humanity. If any of you were close you'd know I'd be there to help any of you with a hug or anything. If any of you find me offensive I'm so sorry. After all these months i just thought You would know that I'm kind and not hurtful.
Sorry sorry sorry...I don't know what else to say. let's do I get the tears to stop, because it's like a faucet was just turned on.
Yes...those are jammies..
Hubby: Why are you up? You can go back to bed.
Me: Ummmmm I'm up, it's ok.
Hubby: (In front of his computer doing who knows what. Kids running around with the dogs who haven't been let out yet.) Oh hunny, I'm trying to help you. I've got it all under control.
Me: (looking at the clock and it's 7:15 and Ava's bus comes at 7:35) Ok..but hunny the kids need to get dressed. Mmmmmm they're in their jammies. I just wanted to make sure you were on it.
Hubby: Oh, that's right.
Me: (oh yeah..Mommy goes in mommy mode.) I know hunny, sometimes their jammies do look like clothes. LOL.
Hubby: Smartass...
So, in 20 minutes flat I got all the kids dressed, hair brushed, lunches made, Christmas stockings packed up for party, and shoes on all of them. Hmmmm.
Which leads me to this. Men are just men. I know there are the few out there that can do it, but I just wonder if I hadn't come down if he would have figured out how to get them dressed with backpacks on and off to school? :) This is the precise reason why the Mommy never gets sick. LOL!
PS..You should hear him on the phone trying to get me in to see a doctor.
I'll let you in on the scoop...
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Never A Dull Moment
Once in a while life comes at you and bites you in the ass. I'm sitting here half drugged and waititng for a doctor to call to set up a little surgery. Nothing huge..just a few cycsts on the ovary, but damn if it doesn't hurt like a Mother F****r! I spent all night last night in the ER, but since the ovary's blood flow looks ok..then I just need to get it done this week. Yiipppppeeee! Just add it to the christmas to do list. :)
I'm thinking of you guys...
Monday, December 12, 2005
Monday Morning Memories...Enough Already!
My Monday is going to be spent getting some Christmas Stockings ready for Ava's Class. I'm doing their names on them. The room mom is an over doer. Yep..that's me. I say yes to anything. I offer, even when I don't need another thing to do.'s my nature.
I finally have the gifts all sorted out and now I just want to sit back and try to enjoy the holidays. I was in bed this morning and it hit me. I have 2 weeks and 6 days until the cruise! WOW! Mmmmmm the ocean, the smell of the salt, the breeze in my face....vacation. I can't wait.
PS>..I love James Blunt. He's wonderful. I am going to download his cd on iTunes in a little bit, I think. I just wanted to share him again.
Thinking of you guys...
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Happy Sunday...
Mrs. Claus work. There are presents to be wrapped and cruise things to be organized! Wooohoo!
I must clean my house today. It's amazing how fast 3 kids can destroy one little room. lol. Ok ok..not totally destroy, but I can't relax if the room I'm in is messy. So go figure. LOL.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Baby I'm Cold Inside...
My girl (Ava) woke me up at about 4:20 and she wanted to get up. WTF? Once I got up at 6:30 I realized she's excited for the birthday party of her friend, today. OH yeah, my friends, mommy gets to go shopping for a toy and take the kids out into the cold. Lovely. However, I sooooo had the thought of going into the Xmas gifts and just pulling out a boy toy. Soooo Bad! I know.
My coffee is yummy this morning and Betty Nguyen on CNN is looking good today. HOw does she get so cute so early? I need a little warming up right about now, I can't even contemplate getting cute so early. I'm off to drink coffee and watch a little news. I'm not even daring to go out and get my paper until it it reaches at least 20 outside. Happy Saturday friends...
Thursday, December 08, 2005
1. White or Colored lights
2. Sentimental Ornaments...a Theme...collect 1 every Christmas?
3. Lights outside or Full on Griswald house?
4. Wrap the presents or just stick them under?
5. Is your tree at a "tilt" or is it perfectly straight?
6. Do you guys want lists from your significant others...or are you great at mindreading like I am..? :)
7. Guest for Christmas or not?
8. Duraflame, Generic or Wood....?
Yes..I am the nosey one. We all know that. Share with us, though...Enquiring minds want to know.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Love You Guys...
I don't have much today. I just wanted to post and say hi. I do have some handy holiday tips, though. If you want :)
1. Lotion up! There's nothing that will make you feel better than soft soft skin. (don't forget your little tootsies, either.)
2. Buy a new CD to lift your stressed out blah spirits. I know you guys are feeling it, too.
3. Work on the know when the hair looks good...the day is much better.
4. Go read Lizzie's site to have a good laugh about woman vs men. You will laugh hard!
5. If you have pets..snuggle with them. They're so loyal and unlike the children they don't really talk back.
6. If you don't have dogs and the kids are little....then put them in their cribs, go turn on the shower, shut the dooor (it's ok if they cry..they'll be ok) and soak in the shower. You'll always feel better after a shower.
7. Finally, crack open the diet coke, pop your ice in the glass, if it's late enough...splash some jack in...and warm up.
8...Know that you're all beautiful to me.
Love you guys...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Big Huh.....

"It's not big enough!"
"I need it bigger!"
"I want the biggest one ever!"
"Ooooooh It needs to be fat too!"
"Perfect Perfect Perfect! This one will fit!"
You guessed it my sweeties. Those were some of things said to me while looking for a Christmas Tree! :)
You guys are great. Kelsey is feeling better. It's a never ending thing with her, but She's awesome and resilient. I've been blessed with such amazing kids. Yes..they drive me batty like kids do. They're my batty kids, though. :)
Ok guys...I'm in the Christmas spirit and things are coming together. I hope you all are happy and humming your favorite tunes. I'm thinking of you all.
Love you
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Life Happens...
I had an exciting, wonderful...amazing weekend planned. Needless to say it was all f***ed up because of circumstances beyond anyone's control! I'd drop anything for my girls and boy..and I did. I'm mom first when they're sick...and let me say my girl was sick. She's going to be fine, but it's just a journey and NEVER a dull dulll dulll moment.
Sorry My Sweetie
Love you...
Friday, December 02, 2005
Things I Know For Sure....
This has been one hell of a week! The kids have been sick. I've gotten over being sick, but something was off somehow. Christmas is around the corner and for some many of my Bloggin' Babes feel this blah feeling. So here's a list of things I know for sure that will help our little blahs....
*When your hair looks good You feel good!
*A Jack and Diet Coke at 4:30 is fine...we won't tell.
*Sexy panties and a matching hot bra can cure the not feeling pretty moment!
*Amazon Delivers...and Target is Online, just in case it's snowy for my non snow girls (MD you know what what I mean..)
*Music , Music, and more Music! It can change your mood in a heartbeat!
*Have all the ingredients for Chocolate Chip Cookies for that emergency moment! (Right Lizzie Girl?)
*Laguna Beach...The Real perfect fluff for the brain. Available for quick tutoring sessions to get you up to
*Fluff is me.
*Change all your ringtones on your's only a manic moment it's at 2 in the morning.
*Finally...Just be thankful we have each other. We get it. We get one another. We're intelligent enough to figure all this out, patience and determined to keep at it, and the babies haven't turned the brains to such moosh because we can put the thoughts down and just LAUGH. That's right hunnies...Just LAUGH with each other.