Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Just a little sleep...

Ok....A little sleep is all I ask for tonight. I am hoping that the nyquil wil kick my ass into submission and I will be flat on my back in minutes. I am so tired that I need sleep! This cough thing is starting to really become soooooo not what I need at 2 in the morning. My 5 year old hear's me and she runs to get me a glass of water and then we're both up. Cute...but not what we both need. Soooooooo, Fingers are crossed. Colorado is nice, but I miss my house and routine. The 5th is a long way off. Wow, what was I thinking with a 2 week vacation! LOL. :) Ok, well Happy New Year everyone...and maybe with some sleep I'll be my perky self tomorrow!


Fej said...

I've had some sort of odd cough over the last few days too. I can't say I'm sick but something isn't completely right either.

Enjoy your vacation and I hope you feel better soon.

Christie E. Little said...

It feels crazy doesn't it? Feeling fine...then all of a sudden hits. The vacation is going well and the skiing was great. Multitasking at it's finest...