Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Southern Bush and Kerry Lovers

First story of the news tonight wasn't about the happenings of the city, not about the children taken from the parents who chained them to beds...oh no...In Nashville it's all about the Bush and Kerry signs!

I had no one to call to talk about the news! It was actually a breaking news story about Bush and Kerry signs missing from yards all around neighborhoods.

Speaking of neighborhood signs that designate conservative or liberal, I had an idea. I was thinking that maybe I should just rile up the neighbors. I should put both a Kerry and Bush sign up. One could say Wife of Deployed Marine above the Kerry sign and Then Marine for Bush. Maybe not, because I'm already known as the woman with the runaway dog and then I'd be labled the So Cal liberal they laways knew I was. Hunny, we're in Bible Belt. It's Bush!

My friends have no idea what it's like on the west coast. One trip to the beach with the sand in their toes, Rubios fish tacos, and a drive up the coast.....and they would never want to come back. I miss home.