Monday, September 27, 2004

Another day...and more post it notes

The yellow stickies are stacking up. The hubby in Iraq is getting ready to get home and the brain is definatley not wanting to deal with this. I have missed him, the kids have missed him, but what a coincidence that my downward spiral happen before his arrival. Two years have gone by. He's been home for 5 months in between. In two months I have lost it. What is this about. Ugh. Just the thoughts are flowing today and I'm typing with my eyes closed to figure out what my fingers know that I may be hiding. That's right...the fingers know the truth. Hmmmm. Interesting thought....

1 comment:

Christie E. Little said...

My children are the forgotten faces of the war on terror. They miss him.They don't get it. When he gets home I know they'll be scared he's going to leave again. Regardless of pro or anti this war...many of our guys are married with kids and this is the whole aspect that seems to have been forgotten. That's the part that gets me going. It's heartbreaking. SO many thoughts...not too many answers...