Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ahhhhh.....this is where my blog is...

I guess I forgot where to find my Blog. LOL

My brain has been somewhere else lately and on so many things. I've had the birthday girl this week and it seems in our family it's your birthday all month. How lucky for! Boxes from the Grandmas arrive, followed by cards with money, and then dinner of their choice (Chuck E Cheese, of course.) So, it's been busy busy for the Mommy.

It's Super Bowl Sunday!!!! When did it become February?! I'll be cooking "Football Food" a little later. Everyone is looking forward to that. If any of you have had that Chile's Queso dip they serve...(the restaurant)...I make a better one. So, the kids are dying for it. Mommy is it time for football yet. LOL. It's an all day thing I think today.

I see a little blue outside, too. Very nice! What a nice Sunday!
Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

Fej said...

That's right! I have another birthday kid this month too. Luckily she wants to have it at Grandma's!

The dip sounds great, I hope you had a good Super Bowl Weekend.