Monday, May 16, 2011

Pleasantly Seussical

Where to start? Let's start here, right here. "Where are you going Mama," A.asked, once she realized I was out of the room. I was actually having a moment of focusing on something other than her, her brother or sister, a book, Facebook, or a magazine. I was writing. I was really writing. My point was made for me in one question, with two very different meanings. Where am I going and where am I going? One with where, is referring to my physical presence and the other that is living in my head every single day. It's the question of my 40th year, maybe going into the 41st. Where am I going and what will I become? It sounds pleasantly Seussical. So, as I figuring out where I am going in my head, I'm sure I'll find one of my kids outside the bathroom tomorrow wondering what I'm doing.
Life is good....and sometimes it's not. We just roll with it the best we can.
 Love, C

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