Monday, October 01, 2007


In an attempt to become a more well versed reader of blogs, I've been searching for some new ones to add to my blogroll. clue...somehow I ended up on this one. It's about streamlining tasks and becoming more "geekified." Ok, well that's how I put it. I'm sure the blogger means to help his reader, but I don't know one woman who would go to this trouble for a shopping list.

I barely write a list, let alone have time for his "Manly" idea listed below:

"Here's an example. When I run out of cleaning supplies, I don't make a shopping list. I snap a photo of the empty container with my iPhone (however any old cameraphone will do). Then I email it into Flickr, which is free. I mark all the photos as private. In addition, I tag them "todo". Oh and the emails get backed up into the Gmail nerve center since I use their SMTP server. I could probably add a filter and a label here too."

Alrighty then my friends...LOL. Now that really will save us some time. :) He soooo means well in a man kind of way..don't you think?

Just for the record..I do find Geeks to be very sexy. The loves of my life...ALL GEEKS!
So There.

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