Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Good Bye My Diet Coke!

See you later my friend. That's right our affair is over. It's been a long 20 years, but it's time. I'm officially through my withdrawls and loving my tea. Ok, not loving like I did you. You're just not good for me anymore. It's been a long two weeks, but you're out of my system. So my friends that's why I've been away for a few days. LOL. It's just been a heck of a few weeks. Hope you've all been great. It's almost time for school to start! You know what that means. They're almost back in school!!!!!!


Me said...

Ah yes...sounds like my love affair with broccoli. Sniff, sniff :D

Unknown said...

Been there done that lol something always leads me back to it lol. I wish you luck though, its hard to give up

Choppzs said...

Ahh, yes Sissy and her broccoli! Steer clear of her! lol

I admire your dedication, cause there is no way in hell I could stay away from my Coke Zero! lol

Me said...

So THAT'S why the Diet Coke has been showing up in my house more often than normal! You kicked him out!!!