Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Yes...I'm a loser!

So, my dear friends...it's been a busy busy day. I had my appointment with "Dr. Calm"...figure that one out smart ones. It went well. He's the one who helps to keep me "calm" during the witching hour! My children should really thank him. LOL.

However, the calmness has eluded me right now. This is the time of day I call the "Witching Hour."
I am on edge...they're running around literally, the boy was in the backyard and he wet himself completely with the hose, and my girls are playing hide and seek that includes a nice dose of fighting. Ugh.

Calgon take this mommy away. I did have a girlfriend call me and say we need to go on a getaway without the kids or hubbies. How good does that sound.

I know I'm grumpy and venting...but I'm sorry. I just want the kids fed, in bed sleeping sweetly and to watch my ATWT and General Hospital that I tivo'd! Girlie yes, but I sooo don't care.
All of this and I'm out of Diet Coke! UGH!

So, I was cooking dinner. Then I realized I just couldnt' do it. I mean...I sooooo can't seem to get it together. So, I'm going to have to get them something. Loser, yes...but that's just what's going to happen.

I'll be back and hopefully post something to say that I've recovered from my meltdown. Oh and words to the Spiderman boys trying to be Luke Skywalker. When you hit the ceiling fan, standing on the couch arm, with your light saber...something is going to fly!



Marie said...

Awww! You are a tough cookie, sweetie. I'm sorry that it's been one of those days. And you can vent anytime you want...we all have to let it out, right?

By the way, and the getaway with your girlfriend would be awesome, wouldn't it? Do you think it can happen? I hope so! You deserve it!

Big hugs to you!! :-)

Jewl said...

Good lord woman, Breathe! Sip on a nice glass of wine while you watch GH... check out Jason, what a fine looking man he is... And remember as you have said to me " This too shall pass"... Hope you are having a better day tomorrow chicky! Not too much longer until the weekend!

Christie E. Little said...

I told Dr.Calm about this blog thing. He thinks it's soooo good for all of us! If he knew the half of it.
K Marie..lol...thank you. You're sweet to me and we have our little connection which is wonderful.

Jewl...Only until the weekend. He left me the sweetest message on the phone today. He sounded so good. This phone he spent a fortune on has come in sooo handy. He can do texts, emails, it has a full keyboard and a microsoft suite.He can write on it with regular writing.Wonderful for the field. It's amazing. Anyway he is off to Georgia for his Command and Staff class. He'll be home Sunday afternoon. It will be nice.

Me said...

Oh honey...I hope you're doing better! Like Jewl said....stop and breathe! You'll be okay!!

Thanks for the advice about my new blog. I did some color swapping...let me know if it's better!!!!!

Hang in there sweetie!!

Peanutt said...

Okay #1 take me on your getaway!!!!!!!!!!
#2 we all have those days, so no need to apologize about venting!!! We feel your pain!
#3 your not a loser!

I feel like witching hour hits my house alot! Like the song 'Its 5 o'clock somewhere' I'll say my song is "its witching hour somewhere!" yes, sounds very fitting in my life! LOL.
I do send big hugs and hope tomorrow the kids are less stressful! LOL.

Lori said...

Aww Christie...it's dang tough isn't it? Nobody ever tells you exactly how difficult this whole parenting thing is. And if you add brain chemicals on top of it life becomes waaaaaayyyy too overwhelming.
I'm so sorry your day was such a sucker. I truly hope you get to get away for a bit with a friend. It's good you have special friends. :)
My dr. loves these blogs and message boards for 'letting it all hang out' too. They are so theuraputic (sp?).
HUGS girlie

Bart Treuren said...

Hey, no way you're a loser sunshine... overcommitted perhaps, tired yes, feeling stretched and frayed and just wanting life to have something in it for you too.

From experience, the time and the energy you invest in your kids you'll reap tenfold in the future, you just need to find some support at the moment... we all do at times because none of us is perfect and just plod on because the alternatives just don't seem to be there...

Don't try to do things perfectly, just do them so you all feel comfortable with each other, the things that don't work will pass in time...

(So endeth the first lesson ;-)...)

Marie said...

I hope you had a nice relaxing evening last night, C. :) A glass of wine, perhaps? Mmm...

Hope you are having a good day! Will catch up with you soon...

Mama Duck said...

Oh honey!

I think the most cruel thing about the internet is that we all seem so close, but are really so far away. I wish I lived by you, 'cause we could enjoy a drink while we both pulled it back together! :) ((hugs))

Melissa said...

Awww...I hope you get to feeling better soon. And who cares if you didn't cook their meal yourself. You had to go get it didn't you?

Dottie said...

Don't feel like a loser, cause if you are one, so am I! I have been on complete and utter melt down the last few days. Told DH that I was getting my Mom to come up and I was going to the lake for a week of sleep and reading, along with a whole lot of Schmirnoff! He tried to soothe me tonight by taking me out to eat, just the two of us...but I still had to come home! LOL I have been out of Diet Coke for two days, it isn't pretty AT ALL but felt too BLAH to go get any! Take your friend up on the getaway! My sister and I are thinking of doing the same thing!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work » »