Wednesday, June 15, 2005

A few thoughts for today...What I'm craving

Sand between my toes.
The ocean breeze through my windows.
My sweet friend.
Rubio's Tacos. (Thank you Marie for having some for me.)
Peace, my deck, a cup of coffee and the view.
My Bunko Drunko Group.
Drives up the coast.
Knowing everything like the back of my hand.
Mmmm...That's a good start.

Today is a great day. I'm glad I can crave such wonderful things.


Marie said...

You are welcome. :-) I went to Rubios with my friend, C, earlier this evening. The fish tacos hit the spot!

Oooh, I love drives up the coast! Did you see my recent post though? Not to scare the folks here, but even *I* was slightly weirded out when I heard the news...But I still love the coast. ;)

Wow, I used to play Bunko years ago....I think I forgot how to play though. lol

Bart Treuren said...

On the up and up sunshine, keep up the good work, look after yourself and just keep on smiling... it gets people wondering what you've been up to ;-)

Taylor said...

What exactly are Rubio's Tacos?

Bunko sounds fun, I have never tried it. Maybe I will.

Christie E. Little said...

Cat and Taylor...Bunko is the once a month mommy gambling binge. LOL. Love it! We'd usually have cocktails and bunko was always in walking distance, so we called it DRUNKO. :)

Marie...So jealous! I can almost taste them here. Yummy. Now you get to go to Laguna.'re just a tease.

Taylor...if you get a chance to taste a yummy fish must. They're just tasty.

Bart...I am on the up and feeling sunshiny today. I hope you are too.

Me said...

I dunno about fish tacos either....sounds like a prego thing :) Bunko...hmmmm...sounds like it could be dangerous :)

Christie E. Little said...

You guys...have no idea. I thought the same thing...yuck. They're coated in a mexican beer batter and there's a wonderful little sauce's so good. Trust me. After your first one you'll be hooked!

Ask Marie...they're just the greatest things. Rubio's are the greatest.


Marie said...

The thought of eating "fish" tacos repulsed me beyond belief. It was only because my BF at the time twisted my arm into trying one of Rubio's fish tacos. MMMMMM....Christie described them to a tee. The fish is battered and there are no bones whatsoever. (I had a taco with bones in it at another fish taco place and I was NOT a happy camper.)

I think they add some sort of addictive chemical to make you crave their tacos. (just kidding ;))

Christie E. Little said...

It took me a year of my husband eating scarfing them.. for me to try. OMG...they are soooo good. Yummy yummy. I'm sooo craving one. It's the secret yummy sauce they use.

Mama Duck said...

It's sucky to miss home.

Bunco is a great time...very little skill and who really cares if you win or lose? It's all about getting the heck out of the house!

Lucy Stern said...

Sounds like a wonderful day.

Jewl said...

Hmm, I can't say I ever had the Fish tacos but what I do miss from California is Del Taco...Yummers! Thanks for checking out my Blog chicky... I love the way your site looks! Can't wait to get mine done!

Melissa said...

awww...what a cute post. Tacos no matter where they are from sound good.
I want to try Bunko!

Peanutt said...

I love Bunko! My mom still plays it once a month with the "old" ladies..being my grandma and aunts. They get pretty serious about it, so much sometimes its scarey!!!! Maybe we can organize a bunko/margarita game sometime! But with out the thongs! LOL, unless you mean shoes!
Have a great day!