Friday, February 17, 2006

I haven't dunked in forever!

UPDATE: On top of Oreos..I'm loving this song. I watched, listened..and my tears flowed. I'm such a wuss. XOXO...C
We Belong Togther
By Gavin Degraw

It's almost 1AM and I'm sitting here with a little stack of Oreos and a little milk. First of all, I can't remember the last time I dunked an oreo...let alone had milk. Hmmm. Yes, it's been one of those nights. Am I guilty of emotional eating...? Ummmmm, I am!

I'll break it down you for my friends.

  1. Ava just finished semi-dry heaving all over the place.
  2. About 2 hours ago she threw up her entire dinner! UGH UGH UGH UGH. Yes, of course some made it to the carpet. Isn't that a rule.
  3. I was the only one capable of actually helping the baby and cleaning it up. Hubby said I was high if I thought he was "able" to get near any of it at all.
  4. She's sleeping next to my bed, because it's just easier to get her into the bathroom...and the man thinks I did this "to" him. Hmmm.
  5. I'm wide awake having fucked up taking my medicine today.
  6. I'm sitting here really wondering if Fox News thinks we all buy their crap.
  7. My last thought on the throw up......When do you think Mine will start.

The point of the story is this. I am enjoying my cookies and I don't feel an ounce of guilt about it at this moment. Maybe when I wake up with tummy feeling like rocks I might rethink. However, right now this is working.

Love and Kisses...



my two cents said...

I'm sorry you've got a sick girl. :-( That stinks. And it stinks that you're the only one capable of dealing with it...but it figures, doesn't it?

ENJOY those Oreos. (My downfall is chocolate chip cookies...)

Just trying to get thru February around here...

Christie E. Little said...

I know February is rough sweetie. I'm thinking of you, though.

Remember .... Breathe.

Mathieu said...

Crappy days. :)

Here's a great big hug.


and here's another


Not feeling so good myself. Won't blog about it. Have a better day today. :)

Peanutt said...

Awww. Oreo cookies can cure almost anything! I hope your girl feels better soon! And it doesn't go tearing through the house and hit everyone else!!!

jlybn123 said...

Crossing my fingers that today is better and that it doesn't make its way to you!

Good luck.

Bart Treuren said...

hang in there sunshine... it's all coming together in a negative way... don't worry, it will get better, even though it's shit right now...

pity hubby's not as supportive as could be... you're in this together but you're up front on your own, that's sad...

hope you've managed to relax in the meantime and that ava's ok... i've never heard of an oreo cookie but it sounds cool...

keep well, sleep well and be good ;-)

Christie E. Little said...

B...I'm sending you a package. You must email me your address!!!!!

It's not must taste an Oreo during this lifetime!

LizzieDaisy said...

I was just sitting in Burger King with my friend and she got two calls in a row... one from her hub and one from the school... her kid threw up in class and was throwing up in the nurses room. Wheeee. Flu rocks.

My hub would just say "Maybe you'll toss the cookies so eat away." Always the helpful one. :)

Sorry about your supper. Hopefully tonight will be better. And that is ALWAYS what I think too... when do the rest of us start... Ri was Monday... just a matter of a slow moving virus. Sigh.

Christie E. Little said...

Baby..I love you too.
Reduced fat..LOL..he's a man.

Lucky Lum said...

Oh crap!
you go on and eat those Oreos!
Probably better than me cracking those beers as soon as the kids go to bed :)

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, due to PMS, I have eaten my way thru a bag of oreos AND a bag of the white chocolate/choclate chunk Keebler cookies. I'll pay but it was SOOOO damn worth it! LOL We had that nasty flu thing here two weeks ago. I hope your household gets better soon!