Friday, April 22, 2005

It started with a bang...

This morning started with thunder and lightening like it was going out of style. It was a good old fashioned thunderstorm. All the kids wanted to know was if I thought school would be out today for a "Rain Day." It may sound crazy, but they were convinced since they stayed home on snow days that for sure it was a good idea to stay home during a horrible thunder and lightening storm. My sweet kids. They tried.

The house is looking sparkly and I'm feeling like I've accomplished quite a bit today. The endorphines are pumping and things are looking up. There's so much to be said about depression and that's a story for another day. Today is a good day.

Well, I'm off to fold the laundry...and be the yummy domestic goddess that I try to be, because Superwoman is sooo not what it's chalked up to be.


Bart Treuren said...

Hmmm... interesting title, leaves the mind wandering where it shouldn't be...

Bart Treuren said...

Seriously though, I can understand the apprehension although I've always enjoyed a good Thunder and Lightening Show... it's so elemental and aweing...

Hope you're on top now... the roller coaster of modern day life isn't all it's cracked up to be... hmmm...

Christie E. Little said...

I'm cracking up...keep your mind out of the gutter.

I'm slowly heading to the top of the coaster. I'm feeling optimistic. That's a really good thing. Hope. I have hope.

Fej said...

I like the rain too, but just not too much. I think you know what I mean.

Christie E. Little said...

Sign me up for the secret handshake. I promise I have way to contact the mean girls. :)

It has to be the time of year right now. So many people are suffering from depression. I finally felt better than just ok yesterday.

And let's see, about 10 I was craving chocolate and all I had were pretzel sticks and healthy stuff. So, no to the stepford wife idea of cookies and baked stuff. LOL

Bart Treuren said...

Holly, as a struggling poet I think everything I do is per verse ;-)