Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Anything else?

Who out there loves the notice we get from schools about what our kids need to bring?

This week is Field week for the elementary school and Circus Week at preschool. On Friday I received the theme list for the elementary school. So, from blue and gold, to jersey day, hat day, mix match day and then field day....it's quite a bit of work for a mom to get together over a weekend for two girls. Follow that with a pledge sheet for the kids to get money for the school. UGH! Yearbooks are out, too. Yes in elementary school. Today I received the sheets for money for flowers for the teachers. I don't think it ever ends. So, when I read my son's preschool note said he was going to be a "prancing pony" and needed a horse on a stick....I thought I'd scream. The pony is only needed the day after tomorrow.

Would it hurt them to space out the "stuff" a little. I do the best I can just to make sure I pack the "right stuff" in the lunches, send in the pictures for Mother's day projects, and make sure they brush their teeth before they leave the house for school.

I don't ever think our parents did this much! LOL. My mom would sure disagree, but I'm sure. Ok, the complaining is done. I just feel like somehow I'm always missing something. I keep it all organized, but someone I'm always reminded of something I'm not doing just quite right.

Not a pity party...just a little reality time.

I'll try and perk up...


Tammy said...

I agree with you...it seems like it never ends. Somehow we're supposed to be bottomless pits of money!

Dawn said...

Trust me I know what you are saying and we only have one kid at home.

Thanks for stopping by my blog:)

Christie E. Little said...

If being the sugar mama weren't enough...it's just the amount of "stuff" we have to get together for them on any given week. It's just a bit much.

LOL..ok and 3 kids...it's never going to end. :) I get to plan summer activities now.

Fej said...

No kidding, I sympathize. Yearbooks got fancy this year so they cost twice as much, there is a field trip planned on "Bring your kids to work day", and just what the heck am I going to do with them this summer?

Can I drop them off at your place :)

Lori said...

Yup...amazingly enough it's still called a "Free" education. And yet, it's more work then homeschooling them! argh!