Saturday, April 30, 2005

Caffeine is my drug of choice...

Am I an addict?

Hmmm, now that's the question. I love my coffee. I can't imagine my morning without my little jolt of cafe. LOL. I love it. It's a love affair. I look forward to my moments with my hands wrapped around my favorite Longaberger Mugs...or my Princess Mug sipping it slowly. Mmmm the scent of a nice roasted bean can get the endorphines pumping with no exercise needed. It's my morning ritual. If there isn't creamer or sweet n low in the morning can really suffer. My morning can be set off on a negative tone. So, I'm sure I always keep the coffee cupboard stocked..even if it means a special trip to the market for my "stash."

So, yes...It's my drug of choice. I gave up my daily diet coke, but replaced it with iced tea. Hmmm. What's a girl to do? I thought I'd blog about my yummy friend sitting next to me this morning. I wish I could pour you a yummy cup and chat about the run away bride. Instead, I'll just have to watch CNN and the story of the crazy lady who ran away from life.
XOXO Happy Saturday friends...

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