Sunday, January 16, 2005

My Boy...

My 4 year old boy and the word Fart! Ugh! I mean...the amount of times it comes out of his mouth, you'd think fart was a word used in every other sentence in this house. Along with Fart, there comes burping. For a young, handsome, cute, little 4 yearold.....he can burp like a teenager. Ugh, again! LOL. I come from a family of girls. My oldest two are girls. This is all new to me.

I was complaining to a friend of mine regarding his potty mouth. She asked me, "Isn't it nice to know that Sam is developmentaly on track?" LOL...Lots of 4 year olds do this!!!!!! All I can say is It's a nature thing. That, and I'm sure he likes to see his sisters get disgusted when he lets one go.

Well, there is my nice little yummy missive for the night! Fart talk. Yeah, and that gem quiz thought I was a Ruby....a hot passionate sexy on fire! The quiz didn't include how much fart talk we had to listen too. :) Too funny!

1 comment:

Stepping Stones said...

Boy, I can't wait for my son to find farts to be funny *add sarcasm here*. The scary thing is, I know he will find farts to be a humorous thing. He's 2 and already thinks burps are a laugh riot at the dinner table. Ah, boys. Ain't they cute? ;)