Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I'm ready for summer!

I'm ready for the sun! I want to feel it on my skin and feel the warmth streaming in the windows. The cold is too cold and I'm ready for it to be gone. In getting ready for the summer, I'm going to get ready the sandy beach vacation I know I'll be taking this year. LOL. So I'm going up in the work out schedule and beyond ready for the summer of fun! Yes I'm thinking, but it's worth it. I love the summer, the freedom it brings, the kids playing....all the fun.

I'll just keep the eye on the prize during these cold cold months. Ugh!

Ok, so I've been doing a little writing and figuring out the workings of my computer. I've become addicted to selling on ebay, too. I love it! I'm good at it. It's just been a relaxed few days. I'm sleeping better and realizing I might just be allergic to the winter dog hair of my! So, my brand new canister vacuum (that's awesome) is helping me not cough so much! Woohoo. I was getting tired of being tired. If you know what I mean.

Well, I'm off to figure out dinner. I wish I had a great idea tonight, but I just don't. I'm a great tonight, I'm soooo feeling like Chinese take out!


Stepping Stones said...

I was ready for summer about 3 months ago. LoL All I do now is count the days till my Semester's end. Then I'll have the summer to relax and enjoy my son. I have so many things planned for us this year, I can't wait. *sigh* I need a warm sandy beach day, NOW! LOL

Fej said...

Yes, summer sounds good. Granted I was asking for snow just a few days ago, but I'm just more of a summer person. A summer person can handle cold but they want to see results, proof, so snow dammit, if it's going to be cold, snow, cancel school, let me use my 4x4, etc.

Otherwise, I'm ready for summer too.

Christie E. Little said...

You soooooo need to make up your mind! I'm in total agreement, though. If it's cold, then make it snow. There's no purpose for this damn cold (as I look at the thermometer that reads 28 outside right now.)

I just have to admit. There's a difference in the Sunny San Diego vs Sunny Nashville. Deep sigh....

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