Sunday, January 09, 2005

Longest Sunday on Record..

After the kids were fed, the coffee was being sipped, the paper was being read...and I was feeling soooooo PMSy. LOL. The joys of being a woman. You know, I realize this is TMI, but UGH! I just feel so tired. The kids are oh so full of energy and I could just easily spend the weekend curled in front of the fireplace watching movies and sipping hot herbal tea. Well, that would be nice for a single woman. LOL...then if I were single I'd be home wishing for the kids house dog Such is life. Ok, so I need to fill out the invitiations for the bday party and I still haven't got that one totally figured out, yet. When did 10 become too old for Chuck E Cheese? When did a parent wish for Chuck E Cheese vs a Party that included a trip to the Mall? LOL. UGH. :) The joys of girly girls. I guess I am getting a taste of a piece of me. It's fun, though. I'm off to find Tylenol. My head is a little achey right now. TTNF Friends...


Fej said...

Hah! No mall for me! My oldest is turning 12 and she wants to have her birthday at home, with Mexican catering. Heck, that's what I want for my next birthday!

I know, I shouldn't expect this to last, but I'm going to enjoy it this weekend, despite having to clean the holy heck out of this rat hole we call home.

I'm not trying to rub it in, I'm just really happy that my oldest is a bit of a tom boy. Don't worry though, her younger sister is approximately 110% girly girl, and it will be bad, yes really really bad...

Christie E. Little said...

110% Girly girls are just a challenge to the daddies! Get ready for the fun! :) Oh so much fun. Mexican catering...Mmmmm sounds yummy. Good good...teaching the child young to order in..! Good Dad!