Sunday, January 22, 2006

They Say It's Your Birthday!!!!!!

I am a mom of an 11 year old girl. How did it happen so fast...?!!!! Let me just say that 11 isn't what it used to be. LOL..not that any of you are surprised.

So, last night was slumber party night. Oh yes, I just said yes to her. She must have gotten to me at a weak moment. LOL..Holy Crap, what was I thinking? It was a group of 9 of them. Ugh, plus my 6 year old! Nice.

The first moment of me almost dying was when they were talking about how much they looooooooove Jesse McCartney. It was "Raise your hand if you like him. Raise your hand if you love him....Ok Raise your hand if you want to do it with him!"!!!! Ummmmm Excuse Me! Do It?! Not my baby and her friends. When did that happen?

After a while, one of the girls ran in and asked what Toxic Water was. LOL. Hmmmmm "Toxic Water?" I got up and went in....oh TONIC Well, they were all freaking out with gagging faces. Soo....they got their grooves on by drinking Toxic Water and then sneaking some later in the night just to mix it in with other things to freak the other girls out.

Anyhoo...let's talk about sleep. I knew they wouldn't biggie. Except, one of the girls at to leave at 6am! The mom told me when she dropped her off and added "I hope that won't be any trouble." YEAH RIGHT. So I had to be up at 5:45 waking her up and getting her out the door. I ended up asleep around 3:45. The kids and hubby were sound asleep in my room. To make a long story short....The girl stayed up until 6AM!!!! Holy Crap...they broke any record I might have had at their age. LOL....Girls!

It was fun and I made it to this morning still alive. Tired, but still alive.

So I wish you all such slumber parties with your little precious ones in the years to come. If you're that brave...or suffer a momentary lapse in judgement and say yes. :)


Elizabeth said...

6 AM??? Good lord.

Choppzs said...

Ahh, to be a kid again!! I remember doing that stuff, and staying up all night. It was fun times!!

Me said...

Sounds like the girls had a great time. We would get hollared at if we were up that late. What can we say, our mom was a

Random and Odd said...

Ahhh, wait until they turn 12 and 13 and you HAVE to stay up until 6 am to make sure they don't sneak any unwanted boys in!

Christie E. Little said...

I threatened her life there was any thought of even opening a door for any

"Do it" Who knew!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, as I recall not a lot of slumbering gets done at a slumber party.

Glad you all made it and I hope you can get to bed early tonight!

Dottie said...

LOL! Welcome to the club Christie dear! Isn't it fun! I've camped out all night in a tent with a bunch of girls and recently just had to have the "boy/girl" party on New Years! It just keeps getting better! :) I used to have slumber parties with 20 plus girls and Mom would be right in the middle of us, dancing and being goofy! LOL
Happy Birthday to your daughter!

Christie E. Little said...

It really was so much fun. I can't believe how fast they grow up.

LizzieDaisy said...

My rule with the boys is that if you make enough noise to wake me up, you're dead where you stand. Hee. They usually are up to between 2-4am. NEVER 6am. Wow.

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