I have a blog friend and she wrote a post about women judging women in regards to attachment parenting vs non attachment parenting, co-sleeping and non co sleeping. She was just so sick and tired of all the extremists on these issues. I agree!
As women, shouldn't we support one another? Judgement should never be present, unless physical harm is emminent to our little ones. We do what we do to survive during the tough moments, and just try to enjoy them during others.
I pumped for my preemie while she was in the hospital and didn't know how to even suckle. I pumped and bottle fed the second because after preeclampsia she was not taking anything that required work. I breastfed my boy for maybe 5 months...because after you have 3 children running around, finding the time to just sit and nurse is quite the rarity. LOL. My point is,who the heck cares. My kids flock to me like I'm the Candyman. The one who never ever breastfed is the closest with touching and being near to me in proximity..so no bonding was ruined there! I just say hey...we're all moms. We've been there. Done it all and if you want to vent...let me help. Screw the extremists in any debate on "CORRECT" parenting. LOL. I don't think there is such a thing. Plus, one day they'll be 15 1/2 and not want to color Easter Eggs and you'll sigh an remember all the Easters before and just cherish those memories. They grow up and we need to enjoy them while we can.
Love is a given and unconditional. I think we should all learn the signs an symptoms of postpartum depression and help our friends with staying healthy and letting them know sometimes a doctor and an antidepressant can change the entire parenting paradigm for their infant. Just love one anther and support one another. xoxoxo
Amen to that girl! I ended up in postpartum depression for about a year partly due to the fact that I was trying to be perfect and it did not work! I also had this perfect idea of what birth should be and it was not that at all! NOone is perfect! And, like you said, so what. We all are women. We all want to just love them and eat em up. We all are perfectly imperfect! Hey ladies...I am there for you too.
You are so amazing! I need to run out for a minute, but saw your post. It's hard when we have husbands in the military gone, too. We just need to love and not judge. So right Shanie. No one is perfect and no birth is perfect! xoxo thinking of you. xoxo
I agree! As long as the baby is healthy and the mom is ok with what's going on it's all good!!
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