Thursday, January 08, 2009

Denial and Strength

Ok...I just deleted my entire post...On purpose!

It was boring. Who, except for me, would care if I went bra shopping or to Walgreens. My thought, exactly.

Today is just a day to do busy stuff. The hubby is getting ready to leave soon and I'm working on not being in denial about it, but it's hard getting to that place. I know it's not for that long, but it's long enough!

It's scary. It's hard. It's what we as Marine wives do. Deep sigh.

So I pray. I have some faith. I am on knees praying that we get through this, once again.

I'm praying for all those people in a war today, fighting for their lives, and anyone fighting just to survive and live today...right this minute. I pray for your strength to get through this second, a

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