Thursday, January 15, 2009

The workup to a deployment is so hard on the wife and kids. It's so hard.

Not only do we get to anticipate the leaving. We get to deal with the anxiety of the member leaving.

It's been a rough few weeks. It's been an even tougher few days and night. My brain is fried and hurting. Things will get better. I know it will. I just wonder what the damage will be when this is all over. Hopefully this will be the easiest one yet.

Long Sigh....


Thursday, January 08, 2009

Denial and Strength

Ok...I just deleted my entire post...On purpose!

It was boring. Who, except for me, would care if I went bra shopping or to Walgreens. My thought, exactly.

Today is just a day to do busy stuff. The hubby is getting ready to leave soon and I'm working on not being in denial about it, but it's hard getting to that place. I know it's not for that long, but it's long enough!

It's scary. It's hard. It's what we as Marine wives do. Deep sigh.

So I pray. I have some faith. I am on knees praying that we get through this, once again.

I'm praying for all those people in a war today, fighting for their lives, and anyone fighting just to survive and live today...right this minute. I pray for your strength to get through this second, a