Friday, May 20, 2005

I can't believe I did it...

I actually bought my son, Spiderman, the Star Wars trilogy today. The girls were at school and everytime he saw a SW commercial on tv he'd ask me if I tivo'd SW. It went on for days. So, I said...fine...let's go get the DVD. Well, they don't just sell one DVD. It's the trilogy. So, yes, I spent $45 for them (last one in stock.) On our way out we walked past the SW section in the toys. You can already see it coming....huh? "Mommy I need the light saber," he begged. Fine Fine Fine. I guess he deserves one boy toy for every 5 Barbies in the house. LOL. I'm a sucker.

Now, he's upstairs standing on my bed watching his dvds and doing the SW light saber Yes, the one I made fun of yesterday! See....karma just came and bit me in the ass.



Christie E. Little said...

Oh, but they're such cute fingers :)

Peanutt said...

Light sabers are abundant in our house! I think we have one in every color! Even ones that change fro blue (good) to red (the dark side)!
Kids are so much fun!

Christie E. Little said...

Peanutt!!!!! I had no idea there was a color code system to light sabers. LOL. Oh my! Ok...I got it. However, if anyone needs advice on coordinating barbie outfits..I'm the mommy to ask.

Just so we're clear.