My way to get back into writing, is to do it in small doses. It sounds good to me. There has to be some way to be productive with my thoughts down on paper or the screen and putting myself out there again, through my words. Catharsis is a wonderful thing.
I'm working from the iPad set up and wireless keyboard. It is working!!!! I will take the small wins and go with them. My PC works, but a desk and office isn't happening right now. Yes, I have a huge home, however my space has yet to materialize. It will happen! It is a want and a NEED.
Parenting note on raising teens. It's not easy with all of them. It's universal, I've been told by so many people. If they were all easy to raise, then I would seriously question that reality. It has to get better, right? I will say I do see glimmers of ease at times. Then before I can enjoy and soak it up that glimmer is put out that a wave on gorgeous mermaid sandcastle. It's gone in an instant. There is a mantra that I use that includes, " I will not engage in that with you." Finally, I had to explain the meaning of engage to one of the children. Classic parenting, if I say so myself.
I have wanted to run away and have a hotel getaway, but then I'd have my phone blow up the entire time. Being the family's buffer is a heavy burden, I put on myself, and now it's time to remove the bumper guards. Requiring respect is not an option, but giving it to me is quite a difficult task for the ones around me. They will have to learn to pick up the pace on that life lesson. Life throws us curves. I'm just ready for the curves to to lead to a more straight road, at least for a little while.
What do I need? Now, that's the question I need to find the answer to for me. Therapy is a wonderful thing. What do I need for me? Hmmmm.....Now that's the question.