Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Get The F*** Up!


Caution! The Stairs Can Hurt!

So, I fell from the top of my stairs to the bottom of my stairs. My ass cracked, then my spine cracked down hard on a few wooden steps and sliding and bouncing in prep for the finale. The finale consisted if one final stair to the head slam to the back of my head, while holding and saving Mocha the entire way down!


I hit the occipital lobe  of  my STRONG IRISH BRAIN! If you're going to hit a part of your head, then that's the part of the brain to hit! However, it's been a week and I'm feeling shitty, still. I know there are so many people with worse things going on, out there. In my little world, this is huge. It's affected my everyday life. Am going to post a few pictures and stop typing, sip a little coffee, some water, and stop stimulating my vision. :)

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Diary of a The Faliure Feeling....

Only for a moment did I allow myself to feel like a failure and a huge piece of unappreciated crap, this morning. I poured a cup of coffee and realized that there will be many more moments like this. Motherhood is more than baby sweet smells and the lovely commercials of sweet babies swaddled in cotton, sleeping through the night. It's when they can talk back that the fun starts!

The greatest moment of my morning was the question, "Are you really going to cry over this?"
No wait, maybe it was, "I didn't DO ANYTHING!"
"All I want for my birthday is a puppy and that's it. I'm probably just getting clothes," bemoaned my teenager in her lack of style, grace, and class. It was such a proud moment as a mother.

It was in that moment that I felt completely like the failure. Did I really raise such a child? One day she would just want only clothes and the next morning, a morning leading to a sleepover night with friends coming over, she bemoans not getting a new puppy. She knows and knew this puppy thing thing would never happen, but hell, there has to be something to complain about, right? Oh, we have two pups, already!

What a Saturday.

Bright spot...The husband is grocery shopping! For that I am so thankful.
Done venting and bitching.