Saturday, April 25, 2009


Soooooo....after my computer crashed it's running much faster. There are some glitches, though. My twitters are off by 12 hours. Hmmmm. Maybe it's an AM PM thing. I will check it out when I'm done.

I started taking more pictures to replenish the pictures I lost form the computer. I'm still crushed over it, but I will get over it. If I could just figure out how to get my camcorder to sync up with my comuter. It just seems so complicated. My camera is so easy..but the camcorder is like an alien creature that doesn't want to cooperate.

What else? ...Hmmm... Oh I'm having a great diet coke on ice right now and it tastes wonderful. I have one outside playing, one in the living room with me, and the other upstairs working on French Homework! Homework...remember those days?

Just wanted to make a quick weekend flyby. Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sore Sore Sore..

I don't think I've ever had my throat hurt like this before...ever. Even after anti biotics, I still feel horrible.

Our neighborhood has been warned about a 10-4 Power Outage. How fun. I think I'll just be sleeping, so I'm not too worried. I just need to sleep this thing off and feel better.

So happy Friday friends.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thanks Idol!

How come our kids can become so amazingly obnoxious one minute and sweet and flowers the next?

Why couldn't Idol be on at 8PM tonight. I promised them they could stay up until 9 to watch Idol and then boom it's not on until 9! God help me. I just heard my other's voice.

"One more peep out of you and you're in bed," Yes I did! Ugh!

Now on to the issues at hand. Who's going tobe inthe bottom 2. Hmmmm. Lil Rounds and Matt or Anoop. It's time for Lil to go home. It's time. She's amazing, but not an American Idol. Maybe it will be Anoop, but I think it should be Matt. He is good, too, but he also doesn't have "it."

Of course I love Adam or Kris. LOL. Of course.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cringe Worthy Miss California 2009

This is the cringeworthy post of the day. Didn't she know who her audience was? How many straight men, besides dads and boyfriends, do you think go to beauty pagents? I mean come on! So you are for or not for "opposite marriage" LOL..real piece of work. It's about "knowing your audience and speaking to them." If she can't speak and make sense, the opposite marriage answer for example, then she shouldn't have won. That is just my humble opinion. LOL. What do I know?

Very Different

Two photos with completely opposite meanings. Can you imagine that sticker in 2012..Ugh! Never!

One brings smiles and boasts of innovation and service to our country. With little ones dripping ice cream on him pot of a belly.

The a scary thought.

My Sweet Toshi...I'm Sorry!

Friends Friends Friends....and even those that are not Friends, I have advice! Always Always Always back up your files on your computer! That's right. I have lost everything on my Toshi. I could care less about all the written stuff. I do have CDs with that info. Important spread sheets are "backed up," of course, on another computer! It's just my computer.

My sweet sweet Toshi crashed. She froze and wouldn't do anything but rotate between the safe mode screen and the welcome screen. Poor Toshi. She's been my sweet companion for a few years.

Toshi is the keeper of my secrets. She's able to take the abuse of my fevered fingers in anger. She loves the excitement and keeps up beautifully. My pictures have sat in there sweet files and ready when I needed them. I was the one not taking care of her. I should have given her some better "vaccines" or antivirus stuff that prevented her crashing. Poor Toshi.

I promise I will do a better job my sweet keeper of my thoughts, secrets, stories, and pictures of everything. :)

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


The surprises in life keep me on my toes, ok well my size 7.5 feet. My toes would be numb with all the surprises flying my way.

I am getting ready for a move in the next 4 months. It feel like we just got here, but it's been three years. Life in California seems a lifetime ago. My life in California seems like two lifetimes ago...and I still miss it.

Aaaaahhhh how life goes on....