Sunday, June 29, 2008


The husband is leaving "again" for Iraq. Ugh. This time we're the lucky ones that get to endure 16 MONTHS of separation. I can't even believe it. Yes he is a marine and yes this is what they do, but OMG. Enough is enough already. If anyone has the audicity to say he should get out, just don't. It's not possible.

There's nothing to say except that this just sucks.

This is why I will be supporting Obama.

Sigh...And life goes on....

I'm soooo in the mood for some Van Morrison right now.

Until we meet again...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Notes Notes and yes more Notes....

It seems I have notes all over the place. Sometimes I'll even find them in my purse. Some are notes, stories, jokes, or one liners from the kids. I love paper and pen. I don't do notes on the computer, because there's something about just unloading on paper when the mood hits me. I'm lucky that those manic times and a little darkness come through the fingers saying exactly what I'm feeling. Today is one of those days. The creative ones out there must know what I'm talking about. I love little journals, yellow note pads...or even the black and white composition books my 3rd grader uses.

Today is a day of notes. Notes are everywhere. I must be feeling today, don't you think? My iPod is playing some David Gray right now...and memories are flooding through the pen.. Hmmm... well right now through the keys. I know this doesn't make sense to you bloggies, but my Irish story telling is that of my own mind, at least. :)

Monday, June 23, 2008


Have you ever been so tired that you don't know what to do with yourself. Falling asleep is not an option, because the kids are up and playing. I've had some diet coke and I just might go pour myself a cup of coffee. Ok..back coffee in hand. I haven't slept well in days and I guess I can say it's been anxiety. I had a doctor appt today that had to do with my mouth surgery I get to have in July. Lucky lucky me. I've just been worried about the pain and help when I'm done. I worry too much. I'm working on that.

Here's a tip for you my friends. If you're going to have wisdom teeth pulled ( i am plus a couple of molars they've moved into...) then don't look up the surgery on Youtube. Not a good idea. lol! I have to go under general anestesia and it's going to be a real surgery. My jaw is just not big enough for the teeth. Yes..bring on the jokes. My sister told me she knows for a fact I have a big mouth. LOL. The real problem is that I can barely open my mouth. Good news is that the scale showed the results of that. Wooohoooo. Hmmm. What else? Not much.

Ok friends just typing made me wake up a little. Happy Monday All...

Friday, June 20, 2008


My Husband.. Hunny do you like The Princess Bride?

Me.... Ummmmm Of course!!!

My Husband...I think all chicks like The Princess Bride...unless they're freaks.

Me...That's right...chicks.

LOL...the world of movies according to my husband.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Watch And Think!

Simply put everything I want to say. I drove around with a McCain Sticker on my Volvo wagon back in 2000. I wanted him to be president so badly. Now...things are different. I have always stayed away from politics on my blog. It's so important to our country now. I will share anything I feel strongly about. :)

Now, I'm off to the beach with the kids.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

If I Could Go On A Trip I'd Choose Ireland

The travel bug is biting again...I'm going to start planning again!

It only took one cup of coffee and listing to Here Comes The Sun to figure this one out. I want to go to Ireland. I want to see all the places I've read about in books. My mind can place me on a cliff taking in the view and the smell. Just once I want to see where Half Of Me is from. Hey I got the Irish gene good bad and crazy all rolled into one, then sprinkle in the same amount of Italian and you have Christie.

I find myself falling in love with my favorite authors who are what...Irish ladies. :) Marian Keyes is a kindred spirit. She has to be. I get her on such a level that takes me away.

There's some exploring that needs to be done. County Kerry,is where I still have family. Of course we even have a Father Paddy. :)

I just need and crave a little soul searching. Nothing wrong with a little soul reflection in life.

Until Next Time...

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I've Come To A Decision!

Alright, a final monumental decision has been made. I am going to embark on the whole podcast idea I've been toying with. It's the perfect time, considering I'm hitting an anniversary of sorts. I woke up this morning with so many questions that I figured the path was in front of me.

I write about everything. I mean everything. I even get paid for it sometimes. I know, imagine that. The thing is that I need more. I want more. The need to just let the mouth go further and faster than the fingers ever can. I have thoughts and ideas on so many topics. This past week I've been piecing together scripts, topics, ideas, crazy ideas, and have come up with some sort of semblance of a program.

It took a few cups of coffee, a pop tart, and a diet cook around noon to figure out that podcasting is what I need to be doing. I may have a total of 5 listeners (relatives minus my mom because I know she'll never figure out how it works,) but I'll be developing something that's mine! Woohoo!

My list of things to do today is huge. I had a horrible experience at church a few weekends ago and it's become apparent that it's time to move on to somewhere else. Huge decision. Ugh. Another story for another day. Let's see what else...hmmmmm....I need a mani and a pedi, along with some seriously cute sandals.

Ok, I'm missing an old friend today. I've connected with one long lost friend and let me tell you...I wish I could with the other. It won't happen, but hey...the dreams sure are nice.

Happy Tuesday...It feels like Thursday....

Monday, June 02, 2008

Monday Thoughts...

A few thoughts for a Monday!

  • So many people I love in my life. Why do I worry about one?
  • Have you chosen to love the one you're with?
  • Do you fake it well? Hmmm?
  • My heart aches today.
  • Time just doesn't make it go away.
  • Do any of you get really excited when the kids are off at school and you get some quiet time? Maybe I'm just getting ready for summer time.
  • Who knew that putting a LEGO Indiana Jones building could make a 7 year old boy cuss.
  • How does an almost 2 year old decide to pick up the biggest poop from the lawn and dump it in a dog's water bowl? YUCK!
  • Is my skin that sweet that the mosquitos just flock to me?
  • Can I really be almost 38?!
  • Am I really into birthdays or am I selfish and just want birthday attention? Hmmm I just like birthdays. :)